I HATE THIS NEW BYC !!!! Edited to say Im trying with all this change AND NEW PICS!!!

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Had a reply but lost it again.Dont know if its me or the new format honestly.I feel like an idiot on here now . Im a slow typer on top of everything else and Im just beyond frustration. Sorry Sorry Sorry! Thanks everyone for trying to help me here though. Probably just gonna lurk more for now and see what happens with it all than contribute like I said earlier.Too many emotions for not only me but Im sure everyone. Im sorry If i ticked anyone off on here because of my comments. I apologize sincerely
I can honestly say can that I hate it. I look for membership to go way down and the # of new members to drop too. Why couldnt they have just added the ne features to the old format instead of changing it completley? I asked one of my buds what he thought about the changes and he sd he couldnt figure it out so wasnt going to use it anymore. I really dont see myself useing it much anymore either. The old format was easy. Those saying they will eventually work out the bugs. Well if u ask me the whole thing is a bug now
I've found that the "My Profile" tab is more useful now. You can monitor posts you have replied in all over the forum in one location now. There is a counter that will let you know(by turning orange and displaying a number) how many posts there have been since your last, and if you click on the topic there it will take you to the last reply you read.
I've found that the "My Profile" tab is more useful now. You can monitor posts you have replied in all over the forum in one location now. There is a counter that will let you know(by turning orange and displaying a number) how many posts there have been since your last, and if you click on the topic there it will take you to the last reply you read.

me too, when I first sign on the profile tab is where i start at seems easier that way and everythings kinda orgainized and all in one place. Then next thing I do is if I'm wanting to see new post I click on the fourum tab and it pops up stuff like new, hot, unanswered and i just click on one of those depending on what I'm wanting to see
Just found something that might be useful to some folks who dont like the new look. Go to "My Profile" click Edit Account Details scroll to the bottom of the options and check "Compact Thread List Page" After clicking "Save" this should give you a look that is more reminiscent of the old byc, in the forum lists anyhow.
I do have to say that any change will be frustrating at first..... you just have to keep playing with it.

I found it very challenging to load pics into a thread today. I am on a few other boards so this should not have been all that difficult for me to do, but it was.
I figured it out, so that is good...right?

I also find the spell check to be more work. I have Fire Fox and it automatically shows misspelled words, I use to be able to right click on the misspelled words and Fire Fox would give me options to choose from. This new format broke that. Not fun. BUT - there is a spell check so it does have advantages.

I also do not like whatever is over on the right hand side..... do not like it at all.

Oh (should not be saying this.......but) the new site/format no longer works on my work PC.

Stick with it people...... we will catch on.....eventually...... I hope.

I sure do hope everyone figures it out, I have learned so much from you all that I know I'd be lost without some of you!

btw - is this guy new?
I just noticed him and I LOVE him!
Had a reply but lost it again.Dont know if its me or the new format honestly.I feel like an idiot on here now . Im a slow typer on top of everything else and Im just beyond frustration. Sorry Sorry Sorry! Thanks everyone for trying to help me here though. Probably just gonna lurk more for now and see what happens with it all than contribute like I said earlier.Too many emotions for not only me but Im sure everyone. Im sorry If i ticked anyone off on here because of my comments. I apologize sincerely

I'm having this same problem FYI.

Also I read in some forum that they HAD to make this change because the server (or whatever the tech term is) that the old one was using was basically about to crash. It couldn't support all the users. So I think this was more of a we HAVE to rather than we WANT to make a change. Hang in there. Everyone is having problems, but at the end of the day, it's the people that keep me logged in. ;)

(Plus I got 2 new chickens today... that's NEVER a bad day!)
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Went from internet explorer 7 that i had for my browser to internet explorer 9. Cleaned up my computer totally. That sped things up alot. Mainly the browser update sped things up for just this site. Now have to of course figure out the internet 9 screen. How bad you want BYC to work right is how much time and changes you are willing to put in or make.I am no computer geek and type slow (self taught) I have spent hours and hours on my computer and pouring over this site to try and make things work right. To say the members dont have to figure out stuff is an understatement. Better than no byc of course. Pain in the butt!!! Would rather pay than have this new format as I said before. Yea the staff has had it tough but so have I so there you go. Im "dealing" with it the best I can.
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