I hate winter and my ducks too!!!


6 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
We got our first real snow today - actually it snowed the whole day. First my duck were eager to get out…
Then they discovered that this white stuff is cold and covers the remaining greens, so they have to dig through it with their bills. Duckies were complaining the whole day! :lau
Fortunately they got their package of dried fly larvae delivered today… (meal-worms were out)
We got our first real snow today - actually it snowed the whole day. First my duck were eager to get out…
Then they discovered that this white stuff is cold and covers the remaining greens, so they have to dig through it with their bills. Duckies were complaining the whole day! :lau
Fortunately they got their package of dried fly larvae delivered today… (meal-worms were out)
Gosh I love your Runners. They are so cute!!!
My ducks are now in the bathroom because a tree branch fell on the run after the Storm from hell. They were so excited to swim in the tub..

Haha. That's not "real" snow. :p
The way you wrote your thread title I thought you hated winter and hated your ducks. But, now I see that you meant you and your ducks hate winter. :lol:
It was so cold here today (with real snow :D ) that my ducks went ahead and put themselves to bed before I went out there to do it. I imagine they were just as tired of the wind, cold, and snow as I was and winter isn't even officially here. I can't wait for January and February if the Novemeber weather is this frigid. :ya
We got our first real snow today - actually it snowed the whole day. First my duck were eager to get out…
Then they discovered that this white stuff is cold and covers the remaining greens, so they have to dig through it with their bills. Duckies were complaining the whole day! :lau
Fortunately they got their package of dried fly larvae delivered today… (meal-worms were out)

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