I have a bald baby.


Sep 15, 2015
I had one of my Cochin Bantams born with no down....will he grow feathers?? I think he might have hatched to early but he seems strong eating and drinking well...any advice??
I thought about modifying some Barbie doll clothes to fit him so he/she doesn't feel so naked..
Wow poor little thing. Maybe use a heating pad or warm water bottles wrapped in towels so it don't get burnt only problem with water bottles is you have to keep heating them up. And barbie clothes I don't think would help retain any body heat as the fabric is to thin. Maybe use fleece?
Where did you get your breeding stock? Are you certain of their origin? If it came from the Middle East, it could be from a scientific program to develop featherless chickens.
http://www.sott.net/article/250112-...-Cross-Bred-Chickens-For-Mass-Poultry-Farming There was such a program in Israel.

It's possible your chick has a recessive gene for being featherless and may not develop much in the way of feathers. As far as I know, a chick develops down long before it hatches.

With no way to preserve body heat, a featherless chicken will need to be kept always in a temperate climate. Or start sewing some clothes for it, as you've already contemplated doing.
Where did you get your breeding stock? Are you certain of their origin? If it came from the Middle East, it could be from a scientific program to develop featherless chickens.
 http://www.sott.net/article/250112-...-Cross-Bred-Chickens-For-Mass-Poultry-Farming There was such a program in Israel.

It's possible your chick has a recessive gene for being featherless and may not develop much in the way of feathers. As far as I know, a chick develops down long before it hatches.

With no way to preserve body heat, a featherless chicken will need to be kept always in a temperate climate. Or start sewing some clothes for it, as you've already contemplated doing.
He came off of my stock that I bought locally. I think he was premiered..he was born at least a week early. And he's the only one. I'll probably keep him in his own little place for a while to see if he grows any feathers...he is really strong. He is 1/2 the size of my other bantam babies that just hatched this morning off the same hatch he was due in. They are all fully clothed.
So is this a gnetic flaw?? My hubby said not to cull him and he would build him a heated pen all his own...but not let him breed...he would be a pet buff chicken.
That's so sweet of your husband! I think many of us have adopted your bald baby. What's not to love?

About the baldness being genetic, who knows? Wouldn't it be a surprise for us all if your bald baby starts getting pin feathers one of these days? Could happen!

You need to document its growth on this thread with pics, and everyone, of course will be waiting to hear whether it's a pullet or cockerel.

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