I have a cock-a-doodle-do

The picture was taken with my phone so the color could be off... I got all my chicks from Murray McMurray .. This was one of the extra chicks.. I'm thinking he is a Barred Rock...
And yes they just turned 11 weeks yesterday..
I'm going to send a pic to McMurray and see what they can tell me...
I just looked up cuckoo Marans, wow! Even looking at the picture of the chick, He looked that way when he was a baby... So it could be a cuckoo marans...
Other than leg color, clean-legged Cuckoo Marans look pretty much identical to Barred Rocks as chicks. I would suspect hatchery Cuckoo Marans have a good amount of Barred Rock blood in them too, to boost egg production.
What color should they be??? I have a BR hen that looks like that
looks like a roo to me!!
my barred rock hen does not have those long tail feathers.
here she is in the middle u can see her tail is short.


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