I Have A Ducklings!! Update **pics** Getting big

Happy hatching vibes sent!
My family thinks I am nuts to start with but add the wait and anxiety of incubating eggs to it and I think they are about to commit me.

Except for the fact that my youngest daughter yesterday saw one of the eggs move too. "Holy cow mom, look, look, it is moving." "I know, I have been trying to tell you this." Then she gets my oldest to stare at eggs too. "OOooo, I saw it too." All of us totally in awe of the pending hatch. Now add DH to the picture. In he walks to a view of all of our backsides because we are all bent over looking in the incubator. Now add the excited, "That one moved", "That one too", "Which one?" "That one". DH starts laughing. "Um, do I get to eat tonight?" "Sorry hun, got side tracked." I said with a big grin. "I have to tell you, I am shocked I haven't heard any quacking yet." "Oh, they haven't hatched yet." "I was talking about you." With that one line from DH all three of use girls lost it. We started laughing so hard. We had heard him get out of his truck and decided to stop quacking before he came in because we didn't want to be teased too bad.

This is killing me..................
Just checked the eggs and one was leaking brown goo. After doing a quick search here I decided to remove it. None to soon. Wow, what a smell. I put it in a zip lock and cracked it open. It looked like the yolk was cooked. Yikes, hope everyone is OK. How did that happen. Now I am more nervous. At least the house will be clean. One of those nervous cleaners, ya know.
I just had to do the same thing. My broody gave up the runner duck eggs a week into it when the temps dropped WAY low outside. So I am attempting duck eggs for the first time. The first few times I incubated I was a mess the ENTIRE time, now I wait until lockdown to completely freak out. BUT....2 years into chicken keeping and hatching and I have completely brought my DH and DD's over to the dark side. Teenaged DS is the only hold out. I am still the only one fretting over the eggs the last few days, but the whole family really enjoys it.

Good luck.
All eggs are still. Now I am really getting nervous. Day 29 and nothing. Why do you incubate. Broodies are SO much easier and less stress BIG TIME. I don't know if I can put myself thru this again.
My ducks hatched day 28....29 & 30. And they all took a long time, between pip & hatch, like 2 days. I would sneak one out and candle it, look for movement .
keep us posted.........

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