I have a problem that I am unsure of with newly hatched chicks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 19, 2010
We have chicks in our incubator that are starting to hatch. A couple have a little protrusion that looks a little bloody on their rear end. One that is not doing so well also has a little green stuff around the rear along with the bloody spot. The shell it hatched out of also had pieces of green goo in it and none of the other ones had this. Could this be poop, or what is it? If it hadn't abosorbed it's yolk sac, what would that look like? This one doesn't seem to be as energetic as the other ones and not moving around as much. Is it normal for some to have a bloody rear? Any adice or help would be greatly aprreciated...Thanks!
sometimes these chicks end up ok and some times they do not..... sorry. I leave mine in the incubator until they have fluffed up and are totally dry. I have noticed that the ones that do not respond and fluff up as quickly do not do as well.
The green stuff is the waste sack. It sounds like their naval where they absorbed the yolk hasn't quite closed up yet. Don't mess with it...hopefully it will finish closing.

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