I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

my day 21 starts at 4:00 pm and I have all day friday so I am not too but I do know they are running a day behind so maybe sat. I candled they have not broken through to the aircell but it has that swoop of where the chickens head is.

I bought from a feed store, 2 Turkins, one red star, one RIR, and 1barred bantam and one white cochin or wyandotte bantam. I hope their peeping wakes up these eggs. Plus if I only get one, it won't be lonely
Three ee's out, one pipped, one dead. None of my blue americanas have pipped yet. All ee! Interesting! Sad that I lost one but glad that the little dude that hatched this morning has friends. He was actually helping the other two out of the shells. Hard to tell what will happen since candling them was so difficult but I saw movement in a few of the BAM eggs before lockdown... Tomorrow is day 21. I left the oldest one in the bator since I worry about it alone in the brooder. Plus I don't want to shrink wrap the pipping one.
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Glad to hear you hatched some ladeefire! It could turn out better than you think. I hatched out 6 eggs out of 9 shipped eggs last yr. But I did let a broody do the work.
I'm joining too! I have 13 eggs set and 8 of them are due tomorrow! Well, tomorrow and Saturday :). I just candled them and I have two internal pips, two pushing on the membrane, and the rest are taking their time but are alive :D

I'll be putting up my live hatch cam tomorrow morning (check my siggie for the link) if anyone would like to watch at some point ^_^

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