I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

they are now going into air cell so maybe hatched by sat.I got these babies today from the feed to go with my hatch-

4 out, 1 pipped. I moved the chicks to the brooder since one of them had been in there for 28 hours or so. I have one pipped. I didn't lose any humidity in fact, it's still quite high at 73%. I also took the dead one out. All 4 are Easter eggers, one blue americauna is pipped. Maybe today will be BAM day? I leave for an over night trip to NYC tomorrow so I will leave the eggs in there under my husbands watchful eye until Sunday night when I get home which will be 23 days. Hoping they'll be done by then! 4 is better than 1! With my luck they'll all be roosters lol.
It looks like I may be hatching today. I wasn't sure of the exact date because of incubator issues and a staggered hatch.

I hear peeping coming from the incubator! No pips yet, but I'm relieved at least one chick is in there. I set 10 eggs and only five made it to lockdown. With the issues we've had, I had almost given up hope. Only one hatched out of the last batch, but it sounds as if she's going to have at least one sibling to keep her company!

O.k so there were 2 more eggs pipped when I woke up this morning(total of 4).about 1/2 an hour later I heard real loud peeping from the other room and when I went In I saw this lil one yay. So glad school is closed today, i don't have to go out on my run, can watch for more babies.
sorry for your loss Ladeefire,have a safe trip.
I have two eggs pipped!
I have one pipped, working on zipping. The other one I think is internally pipped. Had some movement in them last night but not so much lately. Come on little guy!!! Zip out of there!!
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