I have no idea what I am doing

Anyone chime in if I am wrong but I think any time is fine as long as he doesn't stay wet too long and as long as he can get out or you watch and take him out after about ten or fifteen minutes. A shallow dish with smooth rocks or marbles has worked good for me. I think a paint roller tray would work Good.
Omg I have to get those

i want to put him in a little water to see what he would do. He loves his drinking water and runs through it and tries to sit in it. I'm not sure how long to wait before I let him have some fun in a small tub. Any suggestions?

Anytime, just as long as you stay with him the whole time... warm room, warm water, towel dry and blow dry on low setting afterwards so he doesn't catch a chill...
You can let him swim, he's a bit young but he will be absolutely fine! MAKE SURE! You are with him AT ALL times when he's swimming, when you think he has finished (i.e. just floating on the water) take hime out dry him gently but thoroughly with a soft towel the put him under his lamp and make sure he preens himself snd gets fully dry.......get the gist? lol ;)
I want a black tie affair
Its not all bc of the BYC, please take pride in what you did! The Duck Whisperer was impressed with you. We BYCers are proud of you.

Yeah, @Hybridchucks that's a cool site!:D

Stylish Black for formal wear?
(@mobius - the teensy, weensy.....hahaha)

Photo Credit Thegoosemother.com

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