I have such a good momma hen!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Central Texas
My hen has hatched 13 eggs over a period of 2 weeks. I do have a concern about the 2 week old chicks vs the 1 day old chick. Is it normal for the hen to still sit in the nest all the time? The chicks are out running around while she stays sitting. Surely she doesn't want more eggs to sit on. Also, how long will she actually protect her chicks before she turns them loose on their own? It's kinda funny to see her with all her different size chicks trying to keep them all together.
I've never heard of that. Usually they will leave the next a couple of days after the first hatched. how did she end up with eggs hatching 2 weeks apart? as if I didn't know.
She started sitting on the nest and everytime she would get off to eat or drink one of my other hens would jump up in it and lay any egg. I just left them there to see what would happen. Who knows! So far so good!

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