I just bought 16 chicks


6 Years
Oct 13, 2015
I would like to know if anyone can help identify them. I bought them on sale and the company said it could be any one of the ones they carry. I received 5 buff colored, 6 white colored, 5 black colored..

Which hatchery did you order from? Knowing this will help us to narrow the list of possibilities by reviewing their catalog. There are several possibilities based just on these photos. Did you order sexed chicks or straight run? The black with white head dots are a barred bird -which could be any one of the barred varieties *or* black sex link males.
This should be fun lol.... We can cross of any feather footed breeds, so that only leaves 100 other breeds :D

Too young to tell yet, I would say... They could really be ANYTHING until they start to feather out... But hey, I'm all for a fun guessing game ;)

Exit* looks like they all have either yellow, or pink legs... That helps!
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The buff ones maybe Golden Sex Link??....But could also be many other things.......It is pretty hard to tell until they are older. They are pretty darn cute though!
I'm guessing you have some barred rock. Look at the black ones. The ones with the distinct white head spots should be little roos! Possibly RIR, or red sex link. ? leghorn or white rock. Go to their web site. They show pics of all the chicks they offer. I'm guessing that you have at least 60% roos, if not higher. Post back when you get that figured out, and let us know!!!
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I am thrilled at seeing them grow and change everyday! They are a week old now and I took pictures of each one thanks for everyone's help... I will share them as they get older and get more feathers.

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