I just caught my cat...


9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
lying under the heat lamp with the chicks.

So much for worrying about that barn cat....
lol, no photos... she scurried out of there. Last year we had a training session on how chicks are not to be bothered, she thought more of the same might be in store.
My 2 cats don't bother any of my birds, lucky for me and them!
I had to put a metal grate on top of mine to keep the cat out. He would lay in there and all the chicks were sleeping on him and around him...What a bum!
.....hey, more free heat for the chicks!
some kitties have it made, don't they?
Back when I used to raise Bobwhites I had my incubator and brooder in our basement on a table. Once the chicks hatched and the brooder was in operation the cat would sleep on top of it because the heater underneath was nice and warm. I had a chicken wire top to the open area of the brooder and many times when I would walk down the basement she would have her arm through the wire taking swipes at the chicks. Now the height of the mesh top kept her from coming anywhere close to touching them but she would look at me...maintain eye contact...and slowly pull her arm out of the wire...then curl up like she was just stretching or something.

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