I just don't understand my MIL....Very very long rant

I could post 3 pages of crapp my Inlaws do to me or their only grandson.

They live not 1500 feet from us. I look at them everyday and have mortal thoughts about her ( giggle)

Only one who suffers is their grandson ( he is 17 now so he knows they are all ignorant)
I have learned to ignore them and not talk to them.
There are far more important things in your life than having them ruin it for you.
Dont let them ( or her) become the focus of your life.

You know what we do ? we life far better than them.. we have far more money and toys than them.And that pisses them off to no end.And we have been known to flaunt in their face. They cannot not stand it and try to cut us down every time we get something nice. Oh well.!!

Living good is the best revenge
I guess I have trouble understanding the in law issues everyone suffers. My MIL is the worst of the worst...trust me. So, I simply refuse to see her, talk to her, allow my kids to see or talk to her. It is NOT a problem. My husband can do what he wants, but she is not allowed in my home, EVER. I would certainly never try to have a happy family outing with this woman or invite her to my child's birthday. Cut her off. Plain and simple. My hubby already knows that the only time I or the kids will see her will be her funeral....IF I decide to waste my time going.
TOTALLY AGREE. However there are exceptions to the BAD MIL, and thank God I got one of the exceptions. she was a mother to me from the time dh and I married until her death. marrie

You are soooooooo lucky!!!! I would have loved so much to have a good MIL. I am so happy you got one so happpy for all those who do. Mine has definitely shown me how much the bad ones hurt so I know what I will NOT be when my children marry.
I understand what you are going thru.
No matter what is said it still hurts. You are better off w/out this person in you life. You are dealing w pure selfishness...

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