I just have to show off my rooster flock.

Wish I could give you my light and buff brahma roosters, they are all sweet boys and get along together well. Unlike the EE's and the Sussex...
I have 4 cockerels, down from 5.
All raised together.
1 bantam Cochin
1 bantam Silkie
And 2 Naked Necks
One NN went to freezer camp for being diabolical and human/dog aggressive.
All these boys are 16 weeks.

One NN is pretty mellow and the other one wants to mate every laying hen I have including the one bantam.
He is way too big for her and just going to get bigger.
It’s very unpleasant to watch or hear.
So I keep her separated.
He likes her because she just runs instead of fighting back.
The older LF hens kick his butt regularly.
He used to successfully mate them by sneaking up and jumping on them but they are on to that game now and fight back.
So far he leaves the pullets alone for the most part.

Of the two bantams, the Cochin thinks the entire yard and everything in it belongs to him.
He’s not people aggressive at all but he does like to chase and discipline the randy NN...a lot.

The Silkie is just starting to get some hormones going but he’s maturing pretty slowly.
He doesn’t crow yet and hasn’t tried to mount any hens/pullets (possibly afraid of a beat down by the alpha Cochin?) but he did try to dance a bit for one of my NN pullets...who wasn’t the least bit interested lol.
All your birds are so beautiful! We just got our first flock this spring, and ended up with 1 cockerel. maybe it's my ignorance, but I don't know why people this so poorly about roosters! I haven't had any bad experiences with one, so maybe that could be why! We absolutely LOVE our dude! It's interesting though, because he's not at the top of the totem pole. At all. He just started crowing 3 days ago, and we LOVE it! (especially since we can only barely hear him inside :lol:)

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