I killed a deer!

Deer Heart Recipe:

1. Slice heart quarter to half inch slices (slices should be circular in shape)

2. Coat slices in flour and season salt

3. Fry in a butterd pan till cooked

4. Delicious!!
Congrats! I took my step-son this morning but, the wind was howling, didn't see anything but turkey's. He is 8 and has not killed his 1st deer yet but, he is determined!
I don't know if I'm more impressed by the fact you located the deer, made the kill, or
wanna eat the heart.
We harvest the does we kill for meat. The plan was for my brother to shoot the big doe, but he missed her. When they ran jumped the fence, the doe I shot came afterwards, so it looked bigger than it actually was. We use the tenderloin, fish, heart, front shoulders and hams. I cant wait to eat deer heart tonight for dinner!

We also try to kill the little ones because they are less likely to survive the winter than a deer that has already experienced winter. Usually a doe will have two fawns in the spring, so if you shoot a big doe, your killing three deer for next season versus one. Plus the little ones are really tender compared to a older deer.

Great answer! I'm so jealous. It's been 10+ years since I have had venison. I'm impressed with a young lady hunter! I never would have been up for it at your age but now I can't wait to get back home so I can make my dad and brother take me hunting.
Congratulations, good job! My ds got his first doe last year and a small buck this year. I think it is great that the youth is out there hunting. Great way to spend time!
WTG I put a PA doe down with my bow a few weeks back.....you will put a good dent in your freezer with her! Also she will taste just as good as a 100lb doe.
Had roasted Venison last niight. Its amazing how many show up for dinner. My daughter and her crew of 6 decided to come over. Everyone enjoyed it. My granddaughter has been going out with my DH since she was 3. She is quieter than her older brother. She can't wait for the season to start this year. Right now its black powder.

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