I killed my rooster...I feel awful

My Faverolle roo is my favorite! He's the sweetest boy ...with both hens and people

Good luck finding a roo that suits everyone! And don't be too hard on yourself about defending you and the hens ..it was necessary.
I'm sorry that happened to you. I know it must have been an awful thing to have to do. None of my large breed roosters have ever gotten aggressive, luckily. My brother had a top hat once that was just vicious. Of all my cochin bantam roosters, only 2 have ever gotten really aggressive. One was really bad, but the funny thing was I had two at the time. When one would try to attack me, the other would come to my defense and whoop up on the mean one. I have 5 young ones right now and have to decide which one or two to keep...wish you were close enough to take one of my extras!
I have an Ameraucana Bantam rooster, he mates with the big girls. Yes he tugs at the feathers, but its alot less damage than a huge rooster would do. He is less intimidating and my girls love him. I also have a silkie rooster and in my silkie pen are both bantam and young standards. I got baby chicks some up to a month old, gave them to a broody silkie and the rooster feeds them as if they were his. They are all now bigger than he is, and he still feeds them like babies
Its so sweet. I think you would appreciate a bantam
My RIRs are the worst of the bunch and I won't own any more once these are all gone. The 5 month old roo attacked my sweet BO hen and ripped her open from back of comb to shoulder blades with his beak, no spurs yet and shudder at thought of when they get those weapons. Her exposed neck was open. I had to stitch her up myself and she is still having to be kept in a hutch to heal because every time I let her out, here he comes. The RIR females, also 5 months, are attacking my baby Marans and peachicks. One cornered a bunch of Marans babies in their pen and started way-laying into them trying to kill them.

For the past year I've owned several breeds of chickens and every age and all have lived and free ranged peacefully without attacking the crippled ones or young ones. Since I got the RIRs five months ago and they are now coming of age, all HE_ _ seems to be breaking loose.

On the other hand, my two BR roos are kind and gentle with the girls. They are huge at five months but are taking the leadership roles and though the girls ran from them at first, they can now be found very close to them at all times - I think for protection from the mean RIR roos.

Sorry you had to do the deed but if I can catch one in the act of tearing up one of the girls just for the meanness of it, or attacking me, it's a goner on the spot.
My BR Roo, Strangle, tried to become a poo, but I used Rooster Red's training methods on him, and then I penned him up when I penned up the two BA roo's that I sent off to meet the big coop in the sky. I dont know if he read the writing on the wall, or if he just wised up, but I had a change of heart when the folks came to pick up the extra roos and I spared him, and he has not even looked at a human cross-eyed ever since. He is good with the hens, and after he and the little Mille Fluer Duccle Roo had their initial dust up, he has left him alone and let him even have a couple girl friends,(and even though Duckie is tiny, he has gotten the job done), so I am glad I kept him because he is beautiful. My Brahma, Kumar on the other hand, is looking more and more like a Sunday dinner, he likes to peck and twist, and nothing has worked on him, and he is a big as Strangle, even though he is at least 3 weeks younger. BR's are pretty good fellas, but dont discount the bantys, they may be short, but they try hard.
Sorry you had to do away with your roo. I don't blame you a bit if he was attacking you. But I would like to say again that 10 hens per roo is only a rule of thumb and not a hard and fast rule, so as far as the bald girls, yeah, a lot of standard roos, even sweet ones, might do that with only 10 hens. My Delaware roos need at least 15 to avoid bare backs. Very active boys

A bantam might be the way to go if you don't mind the chicks being crossed. A Brahma Bantam roo would have no trouble (they're one of the larger bantams) and would be easy on your girls. Plus, they're darn cute.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions!
It is the next morning after the "dirty deed" and all is quiet in my little barnyard. No crowing, but also no chaotic screaming from hens running for their lives!!
My girls charged out of the coop looking for their breakfast and were happy to find cottage cheese waiting for them. They all got to eat without being chased and raped, and now are happily chasing bugs. Their peaceful morning made me feel better about my decision. May Rudy RIP.
Top Hat Roos are beautiful and very gentle.

dangerouschicken wrote:
Mine's a little hump-crazy nutjob

So is my Top Hat!!! In fact, I wound up naming him "D.A." (for "Dumb A$$").
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