I Killed My Rooster Today, It Broke Me

Today was a very grim day, I killed my Rooster who I had raised and showed pictures of here. I loved him so dearly, and this truly cut deep. My neighbors were calling in animal control on him, even with his collar, and no one was willing to home him or able. Animal control told me he would be euthanized and... I chose he deserved to die by the hand of someone who loved him and would care for him after. I haven't cried or screamed like that ever, even at the death of family members, I sounded like a wounded animal. He was my baby, and I... did that. A horrid mark of karma on me as a failed monk now. There was so much blood, and he... died in my arms after. I buried him, and gave him a cairn as none of my birds were ever meant to be eaten. I feel so numb now, but... A small gift came, this very same day as well my smallest hen Kos laid the first egg of my three hens, and with Paarl having likely mated them all I am hopeful that he will have sired some chicks. I will miss him dearly, and never forget him. I'm trying to keep strong, but I am struggling. Thank you for sharing. Here is an image of him in his honor, and the first egg today. Goodbye Paarl.

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He was a good looking rooster. I am very sorry for your sad experience. At least he met his end with someone who loved him
If he did sire some chicks and you hatch them, there are bound to be roosters in those. So have a plan before you need to cull them too. Don't do that to yourself again
I am going to be better prepared with finding them homes while they are chicks rather then having to scramble to find a home when they are full grown, as well I am moving in the summer to a place that can have roosters so I won't be as put in a dire situation like this. My big hope was to breed him with my Dominique and Silver Wynadotta to try and get a mix between them, so he actually did what I had hoped. Thank you for the words and I will take them with due seriousness, I intend to be better prepared so I don't have to do this again.
I am going to be better prepared with finding them homes while they are chicks rather then having to scramble to find a home when they are full grown, as well I am moving in the summer to a place that can have roosters so I won't be as put in a dire situation like this. My big hope was to breed him with my Dominique and Silver Wynadotta to try and get a mix between them, so he actually did what I had hoped. Thank you for the words and I will take them with due seriousness, I intend to be better prepared so I don't have to do this again.
Good idea
I am so sorry!:hit I didn’t quite understand why he had to die?
Animal laws and animal control (their not necessarily bad people). But it is hard to rehome roos, so to keep space open for other animals, they cull most roos they get. Put them to sleep humanely. Totally sucks but right now that's how it is with a lot of towns.
I'm very sorry for your palpable pain. It took a tremendous amount of inner strength for you to handle the situation the way you did.

A horrid mark of karma on me as a failed monk now.

Animal control told me he would be euthanized and... I chose he deserved to die by the hand of someone who loved him and would care for him after.
In a terrible no-win situation, you made the best choice you could for your beautiful beloved Paarl. :hugs

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