I Killed My Rooster Today, It Broke Me

I am going to be better prepared with finding them homes while they are chicks rather then having to scramble to find a home when they are full grown, as well I am moving in the summer to a place that can have roosters so I won't be as put in a dire situation like this. My big hope was to breed him with my Dominique and Silver Wynadotta to try and get a mix between them, so he actually did what I had hoped. Thank you for the words and I will take them with due seriousness, I intend to be better prepared so I don't have to do this again.
Auto sexing breeds can be sexed soon after hatching.(Welsummer is one of them) I'm so sorry you couldn't find a home for your rooster!He was a real beauty!
Omg this made me cry 😭 sending you hugs and condolences:hugs:hugs:hugs
My heart goes out to you. It's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Chickens bring so much pleasure but are truly not really considered pets by most. Our neighbors huge dog barks from 11p till 0700 and that's ok. But let your rooster crow ....
It's a heartbreaking and unfair situation.
You have my sincerest sympathy.
My heart goes out to you. It's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Chickens bring so much pleasure but are truly not really considered pets by most. Our neighbors huge dog barks from 11p till 0700 and that's ok. But let your rooster crow ....
It's a heartbreaking and unfair situation.
You have my sincerest sympathy.
I definitely agree the bias against chickens is odd, certain countries views on what animals are pets and what are not are silly. All animals have the sentience and personality to be a pet given the time to learn it, and at the same time all animals have the compacity to be just meat. But we treat some as above, and others below. Thank you for your, and everyone's, kind words. I've had to cull one other chicken since than and it was still no easy task I've found on my heart.
Today was a very grim day, I killed my Rooster who I had raised and showed pictures of here. I loved him so dearly, and this truly cut deep. My neighbors were calling in animal control on him, even with his collar, and no one was willing to home him or able. Animal control told me he would be euthanized and... I chose he deserved to die by the hand of someone who loved him and would care for him after. I haven't cried or screamed like that ever, even at the death of family members, I sounded like a wounded animal. He was my baby, and I... did that. A horrid mark of karma on me as a failed monk now. There was so much blood, and he... died in my arms after. I buried him, and gave him a cairn as none of my birds were ever meant to be eaten. I feel so numb now, but... A small gift came, this very same day as well my smallest hen Kos laid the first egg of my three hens, and with Paarl having likely mated them all I am hopeful that he will have sired some chicks. I will miss him dearly, and never forget him. I'm trying to keep strong, but I am struggling. Thank you for sharing. Here is an image of him in his honor, and the first egg today. Goodbye Paarl.

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I’m so sorry. I think you honored him by doing it yourself on his grounds. I hope your feeling a little better. 🙏
There are some animal rehoming services listed on Craig List
that will take unwanted animals. You might want to investigate
that, should you ever find yourself in the same situation. At least
the bird won't have to be culled, and will live a full life.
As I shared in the message it wasn't available in my area at the time, but I appreciate the suggestion and if I'm ever in that situation again I'll look there as well. Thank you.
I’m so sorry. I think you honored him by doing it yourself on his grounds. I hope your feeling a little better. 🙏
Time heals all wounds, as well as visiting his cairn often. Thank you. I've had to put down one other bird since than, and though that pained me greatly, there's a small comfort that he has another cairn next to his. As well the coop has been moved near to him so his 3 sisters can visit him often.
It is time to change laws against roosters. Their Crowing is not as loud as barking dogs. Last weak a postal lady was attacked and killed by a group of dogs. The only person I ever read was killed by a rooster was a rooster whose owner secured a knife on his leg before being put in ring to fight flew at his owner and impaled him. I hate noise of lawn mowers, grass whippers and blowers used by grass lovers.

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