I love my chickens!

Karen 2739

In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
San Diego
I wanted chickens for so long and with my husband's help, I now have a beautiful coop and 6 adorable hens. I recently read a very sweet little book by Alice Walker called "The Chicken Chronicles". She relates to her life in memories of her duties of chicken raising as a child and how she enjoys their company now as an adult. One of my chickens is named Alice Walker after her.

I really love to sit with them and enjoy their daily antics.

It's been great to see my neighbors reacations. I was fearful that there would be a backlash against us for keeping them. Although it's fairly rural where I live, there is an association and some rules about pets and animals. The neighbors I most thought would take issue are the very ones that enjoy them the most. I love to watch kids interact with them.

1 BO, 1 EE, 1 RIR, 2 BR, 1 LB

I read "The Chicken Chronicles" and agree...it does a great job of describing how we all at BYC feel about our chickens! I totally identified! Glad you are enjoying your chickens. We can all relate!

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