i love my interesting nights..

So I don't know what the deal is but how come your about to 'not be able to drive anymore?' I think thats what got everyone to thinking you're a minor

Poor kitty. I have had a cat unbeknownst in the underbelly of my car (my own cat) and jump out about 2 miles from home and I heard something then seen the cat in rearview mirror hauling butt away...Turned around, searched for cat but she was scared and hid in the woods...I kept going back looking for her, but she wound up coming home a couple days later...

Then there was the time I was at Wal-mart and a kitten apparently climbed into the underside of the car and I didn't know it till I stopped at a light and heard it crying...So I pull over at gas station, search for it, and find the darn thing but can't reach it...About 10 minutes from home, so i do like you and just drive carefully till I get home and then jack the car up and get the darn little thing out of my car - lol. She was mean as a rattlesnake, couldn't have been but 5 weeks old and a siamese mix...I named that kitten Hellfire - and was going to keep her but a friend wound up adopting her. that cat was evil as a kitten for me apparently she blamed me for her missing tail (figure someone ran over it or she lost it being in the engine area of my car one) and then going to vets and being doctored etc...She hated me - lol would hide all day and come out only to attack me XD but she got a good end - still hates my guts when I visit my friends though even though its been 4 years.
uhhh i don't wana say lol cuz i don't like being judged and it seems to happen to me a lot..

awe. i wonder why animals do strange things. i figured the kitten was cold so that's why it was trying to stay in my car.

lol STILL hates you!? what a brat!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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