I need help..AGAIN, with these silkies..please!!!UPDATE::PICS

I agree about calling animal control or the Humane association. They need to step in and make her accountable for her actions concerning animals. She should be banned from having anymore. I personally would have called them right away. She will only keep on with this distructive behavior.
Thank you everyone...for the great advice. I am running on just a few hours of sleep today. I went to bed at modnight, and was up at 5 am, when I heard the roosters crowing. I have a baby monitor out there. When they started crowing at 5 am, in the dark, I thought something was up, so I sprang out of bed, into the dark, in the cold....with jammies and slippers, flashlight in one hand, LARGE board in another. I keep it by the door. Nothing was out there, the Roos were just awake early. Whew!
I am sure untill I get this settled with her, and get them rehomed, I will get very little sleep. UGH!
As for calling the authorities...here is my delima...

We live in a VERY SMALL town. This place is backwards, backwoods....small. DH and I are not from here, she has lived here all her life. Our Animal controll is a small one room building, with a desk in the corner...maybe 3 employees, one truck..and IF you call...you will have to leave a message...and MAYBE someone will call back, in a week or so. The pens for the dogs they DO get in there, are wired together with coat hangars and such. The " yard" for the dogs to get exercise, is overgrown, and never gets used, the fenceing for the yard is chain link, 3 ft, and falling down. SO SAD!! These people are SUPPOSED to RESCUE these poor dogs!! They live in HEL%. IF i was to call animal controll....I am sure they would contact her, and tell her I was starting trouble.....like I said, we are " outsiders" here. This would put a stop to our attempts to rescue ANY other animals. This town is a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" sorta place. For the time being, our hands are tied....as far as contacting authorities. If we make waves now...we will be RUINED here...and DH WOULD lose his job....its a "family run place" All I can do, is hope to get these birds rehomed, and safe from her reach. I would love nothing more, than to call the SPCA...if we had one....but cant take the risk of haveing my barn and coops burnt down. I have to do this quietly, and discreetly.
I'm sorry to hear of your situation in the small, back woods, town. I thought that was just a southern thing. HEHE. You should probably just deal with her head on. I mean see if she wants you to help with anymore birds, get them, and then just let the rest out of their cages when no one is looking..... I"M JUST KIDDING....
Just do your best Deb, you can only do what you can, remember that. It is not worth your husband losing his job over, for goodness sake. Do the best you can, and then come rant to us. We will listen.
Allanah.....thanks...I guess its not just a southern thing. LOL My plan is to go at her alone here....for as long as I can. I just need to help what I can, when I can. What goes around, comes around. Right?? She will get hers!! Lord willing!
Dear Deb,
I thought that may have been the case hence my suggestion you contact whovever gives them funding!! so they can come and have a look at their setup and find out where they spend their funding on! however I pray that:
1) she will leave you alone,
2)The birds can be rehomed.
3) that you can get back to a normal life asap.

Time to have a rest, recharge yourself and take it easy.
Well, here I am up still....its after 11 pm. I am just so nervous I cant sleep. I am thinking after this is all said and done.....I will not take in any more for a while...Its just so hard. Maybe I just take it all too personally...or I worry TOO much. I have been looking at getting liscenced by the state, then.....when I am...LOOK OUT! I will have legal recourse against people like this. I have to say, this experience has motivated me to get liscenced....so maybe all this crap she is putting me through, is a good thing?
Will have to see the outcome. I can never thank you all enough....for your help, and encouragement. HUGS, Good vibes, and prayers to each and every one of you. I will get pics tomorrow....of thier progress. A few seem to be responding...but there is still a long way to go.
I know those small towns and you have to look at the big picture. Your family well being has to come first. You fought a good fight and when there is no more fight in you well you have done more than most. I know you want to save everyone of them but sometimes you just can't. Rest easy knowing your doing all you can and your heart is in the right place. Big hearts always get hurt that's part of it but thank God for big hearted people like you. I don't believe in accidents or coincidence.. I believe everything that happens in our lives is the perfect will of god concerning you at that time.. What ever his purpose is it will unfold before you. Maybe this is the push you need to get started with rescue work only the lord knows. One day at a time trusting fully that all will be as it was meant to be. I usually don't speak this way in forums but I felt that maybe it was something you needed to hear
Best of wishes
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I'm so glad you left a message for her. I could tell you were getting so upset and stressing yourself out. I'm praying and believing that she will take "no" for an answer and will not bother you again - whether you rehome all the birds or not.

I hope my advice to calm down and talk to her first did not come off as rude but I do always try to stay calm and react logically and rationally if at all possible - and trust in God. By reading all of the posts I was having visions of you and your kids rigging up land mines, booby traps, hot wires and roof snippers for one little old lady.

I wouldn't even tell her I had rehomed them or was planning on rehoming them unless it's true. Just puts stress on you. Like you said it's a small town. You would spend time worrying if someone sees them or tells her. I would just simply take the Nancy Reagan approach and "just say no". That way if you later want to take them all for a walk through downtown main street you can do so proudly and show off how nicely they all healed.

Hang in there Deb, I'm praying for you. Have been since your initial post about finding chickens in deplorable condition and wishing you could rescue them. I prayed, as I'm sure did many others, and next thing you know she calls and says she can't handle them and gives you a bunch and says she has help coming to clean up her place. Guess this falls under "Be careful what you pray for, you just might get it". (One of my favorite sayings - but I believe you absolutely will get it) Now I'm praying that all birds will heal and she will leave you alone and you will get the resources (time, energy, money, supplies) you need. Amen.

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