I need help getting my chickens to find their nesting boxes!

yep, I agree....the aluminium trays could be a problem. Your nesting boxes look great otherwise, nice and private with the little curtains. My girls would love them. Just give them time.
x2! Mine just started laying a week ago, at the age of 20-weeks. Prior to having to use them, they didn't like them, other than jumping in and out to tear out the straw for the nests that I had prepared for them, on bare plywood boxes that I made for them. That was very frustrating... to see the nice nests that I made for them, only to see them shredded and laying on the floor, mixed in with the shavings. So, after the first attempt, I gave up. Last Tuesday (a week ago today), I went in to check on them, take their fermented feed bowl in, and lo and behold, there's two eggs in one nesting box! So, they know what they're for, and when the time comes, they'll take to them. I'm up to 5 eggs now a day (out of 13 hens), and approaching average size for large-sized eggs (57 grams). In fact, it's funny... they all prefer to use just one box, and will actually stand in line for it, out of 8 boxes. If someone's in there, they stand outside the box and complain about it. Doesn't matter... the hen that is occupying it will finish her job, and then wait a few minutes, and then leave, for the next one to take her place. That one box is the only one that still has a decent nest in it, compared to the other seven, which have been stripped of their straw, again. I only put straw in the upper tier of boxes, now. Why waste it?
I use the shavings and they seem fine with that. I'm also using cat litter trays with the tops on them they seem to like seclusion. They will figure it out.
Okay so our chickens are about 21 weeks and showing the first signs of readiness to lay (red cobs, grooming our rooster, etc.) However they have expressed no interest in their nesting boxes. I've removed all other "private" areas in the yard so they won't lay out there, Put plastic easter eggs in the boxes and even put herbs in there to lure them in. I'm afraid about picking them up and putting them in there because last time I tried to pick one up they were scared of me for a week. Any ideas in order to show them their boxes? Or should I just sit tight.

The nesting boxes:

The inside of one of the boxes

We got our first egg this morning. I put a golf ball in each box. The hen found it like that I guess. Plus, I've been told as long as they know the coop is home, that all will work. I don't know that those tins would be good cause they'll move when they mess with them.
Maybe the material of the boxes aren't to their taste? I use dry nest, something from IFA, and my chickens love it! It keeps for a good 5 days to about a week and keeps things smelling nice. If you do use dry nest (aka wood-shavings), try hey or straw instead. Also, the trays seem very shallow, and some hens like to nest and actually build little nests around them after laying their eggs. Perhaps put something deeper instead of the metal trays? Some chickens freak out over metal, other freak over glass. Instead of building nesting boxes, you can get some old creates or boxes, flip them on their side and fill them with said shavings, straw, or hey. It will keep them cleaner and the chicken should be much happier. If they have no idea where to go, try leading them to the boxes with a treat. Once you pull the treat away, some hens will get interested with the egg and investigate.

Good luck!
I would bet mine would not like the aluminum trays as well. They can spook pretty easily. I have almost always used straw, but with my first batch of chickens (6) I started out using wood shavings and they didn't seem to mind, but they did seem to toss it around more so I went to straw ever since. I only use wood shavings for newborns. As far as herbs, with my first batch I had an herb garden with lavender and rosemary that they used to love to get into. They seemed to be trying to rub it all over them. I just kept saying, keep it up girls and I wont have to season you at dinner time. In never did wind up eating any of them. I would not think the herbs would bother them. Each of my batch started laying between 21 and 22 weeks. Enjoy and good luck.
My hens don't seem to like the shavings that I get at the farm supply store, they prefer old leaves. Go figure
I would get rid of those silver trays they would scare the heck out of them. make a box or just put some stray down and get a real egg and put in there. Mine found their nesting spot right away and get upset if the door is closed and they can't get into that area
I found some plastic dishpans at Walmart in the back to school section. They are about 14x11 & 4 to 5 inches deep. I cut 1 side down to about 1 1/2 & hens like them just fine. I use pine shavings .
I agree that the foil trays might be disturbing to your birds. but I have never notices my hens having much preference for the type of bedding. We use pine shavings on top of old folded towels. We use stall dry on the coop floor and almost never get poop in our nests so I haven't changed the bedding in about a year. Usually I just fluff it up and add a handful or two of shavings once in a while.

How high is the space above the nests? The lower it is the more secure and relaxed they will be while sitting in the nest. Our boxes are 8" deep and 14"x 14" because we have a few Maran hens that are pretty large, but a 12" x 12" box about 18-24" of head room is about right for most average hens.

We had a hard time with this last spring and I took to finding them in their chosen spots and putting them into the box but that didn't really help so I started to shut them into the coop. One pullet held out for 6 hours but once they lay in the boxes they will keep doing so.

The color of the dummy eggs doesn't matter but putting something inside them to give them weight will help.

Once you have an established flock any chicks or pullets you add will go to the nest box from the start.
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Mine were laying in the rose bushes, so I got some ceramic eggs-they look and feel real. I have 5 hens and 2 nest boxes. I put the fake eggs in there and then shut the girls up in the run and coop for a couple of days. Now the ones that are laying use the nest box all the time-but they roll the fake eggs out of it and onto the floor

I can take a hint.

I use double layers of cardboard as a cushion under pine shavings and they seem fine with that. I suspect like the other posters here that my girls would have NOT liked the foil. They're funny about stuff like that. Spookier than my horses!

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