Well, thanks to this website, I feel normal wanting new chickies, even with fall and winter approaching
. I really need a voice of reason here. My wonderful husband knows that if he says "no" without even saying no, to more chickens right now, he will have to deal with some grief from me. (No, I'm not a princess, I'm just very independant and run most, if not all, the resposibilities around here anyway.) He has no problem with getting chicks in the spring, like I had planned. He didn't even (hardly) bat an eyelash when I told him I wanted to build another large coop, even though we just finished our other one early this summer. He really is wonderful, but because he is so easy going, he doesn't usually tell me why I "shouldn't" do something. Usually, if I decided I'm going to do something, I do it. But with this, I am still on the fence. I have been playing with the idea of either hatching some of my own eggs, or purchasing some chicks, or both. I was fine not getting any now, because the website I use to order chicks, were sold out for the year of many of the breeds that I wanted, including Red and Blue Silkies. Then, they updated their site. Not only do they now have some Red and Blue Silkies available, they also have some of the other breeds I was wanting! I know that the best thing to do is to wait until spring, when the new coop is already built and the chicks can be put outside at a reasonable age. If I were to get chicks now, they would be ready to go out right in the middle of winter. Not sure I want to deal with that worry. Part of me really wants to get some now, but the rational part of me, boo, says I should wait. Any advice????

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