I need some HONEST opinions...

I really like your website - this coming from someone who can be very critical of frilly websites with falling leaves and a "trailing" cursor that leaves a path over the page as you try to open different pages.

I don't like flashing, twinkling, sparkly websites and I don't like the free web versions where popups flash the screen taking you to different websites for advertising sponsors.

It's easy to navigate, pages open quickly, information is easy to read - very important website features.
It is very nice!
I like it a lot, especially since it's not to cluttered.

I live about 20-30 minutes away from you! I live just south of Lapeer. One of my old best friends like in your town.
Miss J the folks on BYC are great, they have helped me out with my site alot.
I really like your site. It very easy to get around and easy on the eyes. After you you add a few more pics, I think it will look great.
OK. I do this for a living (disclaimer over)

Here is what I like:
- You kept consistent in the colors over the slew of pages.
- The layout (width) is consistent
- Things are laid out logically

Here is what I don't like:
- Side menu
- Tabs would be much better if they were of consistent sizes
- You could add small icons (20x20px) to make them 'pop' a bit
- Use a darker color for the font to differentiate from main column
- Fonts
- Inconsistent over pages
- Sizes, sizes sizes, inconsistent
- Images
- Sizes, sizes, sizes, inconsistent
- In the web-shop you have 2 images with horizontal and 2 with vertical being bigger, but the image boxes are square

Here is what I'd suggest:
- Images on pages:
- Use PNG format (supports transparency) and maybe feather out the edges so that the they blend into the page nicer, or
- Use a 1 or 2 px green border around them
- Images in the web-shop:
- Find out the exact pixel size of the square and make images that fit that
- Fonts:
- in your CSS file define a font for :body tag and stick with it. It will give the page a very much consistent feel.

I'd be glad to show you how to do the image changes. You can download a free (as in beer) powerful image editing software (GIMP) to do all the things with it. It's basically a free version of Photoshop.

PM me if you want help with that.

Cheers and good luck,

hehehehe....funny you should ask...i was just trolling your site... (the canadain pork pie led me there)...

the site is great easy to navigate but...

you dont mention what your incubation rate is..is there a fee if i would like you to incubate?

do you ship?...and if so ..who do you use?...how do you pack? if you ship eggs whats the policy if they arrive broken or non viable?

do you have a health guarantee on your birds? (ie..if sick within 24 hours the bird will be replaced...bla bla bla...)

do you vaccinate? can you on request? (for a fee of course...)

this is just my brain storming....
Yes, very nice. I have been known to e-mail the worst offenders - blue type on a red background, anyone? When someone turns my cursor into a bunny, I just have instant hatred. I am silly like that.

One suggestion: I would like to see "available" become "For sale" and moved closer to the top. I just wanna know what you've got(!)
got it all! thanks for just laying it out!

i may take you up on the help, Tom!

i am using Site Builder. could i use the other program you mentioned in addition to it?
Maybe its just me, but i think you should be charging more for point of lay pullets. And probably more for the started ones too depending on how started they are. I think there is a formula people use to increase the price as they grow older. I imagine it might vary depending on the area too. But that just seemed a little too cheap

Otherwise the page is very nice........you obviously worked very hard. I know how time consuming it can be. I started one, but i took a break
a long break
I for one love the mismatched sized tabs! I thought they were great and wanted some for my website. LU-U-CKY...

I like it for sure! Love the green... it is beautimus!

He's right about the inconsistent size fonts though...

Yes more pictures!!!!!

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