I need some HONEST opinions...

Very nice Miss Jayne!

I did notice one thing though - you dont mention what you feed your girls and boys - are you all organic, steriod, antibiotic free, etc?

That is something I look for when purchasing meat and/or animals for future use.

How many generations do you have that you've kept going so far? Something else someone may want to know.

Great job!
keep it coming guys. i have my big girl pants on and can handle it. i don't take the criticism personally. it's not me, it's a website, so bring it on.
was just looking again - I know when I go to purchase anything, (not just animals
) I like to see a picture of what it is next to the description...

is there any way you can put a small pic of what each one is next to your descriptions?

I dont know if that would make a difference for people or not...I know for me, it would make the process alot easier than clicking on the "Photos" tab...sort of like a "preview" of the best things to come
WOW miss_jayne....you are awesome....even tho i know its just a website and nothing personal....i would be pacing back and forth with my coffee in hand and a nervous wreck...
I think it looks good - it's easy to navigate, ALWAYS a plus. Just a sidebar note - your Marans are French Copper BLACK Marans or Copper Blue I think (you missed the black part...there aren't Copper Marans).
Love it! Clear clean and loads quickly. The only thing I did not see was whether or not you ship chicks & eggs. I always look for that first.
that's what i was looking for too...misspelled words or words left out etc!

it helps to have several pair of eyes looking!

Henny...yep...working on that too.

thanks to all of you! i appreciate all the 'spy eyes'. if i look at it, i may read what i INTENDED to type, not just what i did type!
Re order the side tab menu

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The colors are great.
Thank you for not using FLASHY sparkly stuff or music. OMG I cant stand that.
oh...p.s. i am logging off for a bit. have to bake something. keep putting your ideas down though!

if you were all here, i'd treat you to yummy baked things to thank you!

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