I posted this on my Facebook and got a few saying " oh, I could never do that". Made me really upset


7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
This is me, ending the life of the birds that we lovingly raised to consume. 100% organic, free ranged, loved their short life here with us on this world. They were ready to go at 8 weeks, had grown to over 6.5 pounds.

Here is my video showing how we raised, loved and humanly ended the lives of our meat bird chickens. This may be upsetting to some, to see a bird slaughtered. Just know this..... I LOVED these birds and gave them the best life possible. I am not interested in becoming a vegetarian or Vegan. I like to eat meat, God gave us the animals to consume NOT to do acts of cruelty to them.

Your video is good! I process in much the same way. I did have a couple of comments though.

First, the 'X' in the name is shorthand for the word "cross". I.e., they are a Cornish crossed with a Rock, or Cornish Cross for short.

Second, you may need to sharpen your knife - you shouldn't need to saw into the neck as much as you did. With a properly sharp knife, you should be able to slice through the skin and the artery in one movement, which will create a clean cut that will not be painful at all. The sawing movement does cause some pain as there is more time for the pain to register in the brain.

Beautiful chicken coop by the way!
Thank you, I thought I called them Cornish X rocks.... as that is the name of them from McMurry Hachery.
I was disappointed with my knife, my husband said it was the sharpest one he had. Next time I will have razor surgial sharp.
Thank you on our coop, we really put our hearts into it.
I HATE FACTORY FARMING.... This was the first time in my life I have ever killed anything.
It isn't easy is it, when we've raised them from hatch and seen their little personalities? I totally agree with you though and now the only meat I eat is meat I've raised myself, as I don't want to contribute in any way to the commercial meat industry.
Beautiful coop. I don't think I can be as calm and strong as you. I am thinking about raising birds for meat but I wouldn't be able to kill them, I would have my husband do it. Nice video.
Beautiful coop. I don't think I can be as calm and strong as you. I am thinking about raising birds for meat but I wouldn't be able to kill them, I would have my husband do it. Nice video.
Hi Barbiegirl,

Thank you. I did feel the same way as you feel now but on the day of the slaughter I realized that they trusted me the most, were not afraid and since I was there for them every day since they were one day old, I thought what better way to end their lives than by the hands that fed, cuddled, comforted and was their chicken "Mom" right from the start.
I had never up to that moment ever killed anything in my entire ife.

What the video didn't show was my prayer of thanks for each bird before I slit their throats. God gave me the courage to see this through. I also wanted to get my message across on why I was doing this in the first place.
It is amazing what is possible though Jesus Christ.
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If people only knew the horrendous lives lived by most food animals, many would be shocked. A few might choose to be as responsible as you have been in the face of the reality of our "live in the food-chain" existence. Much of the reason we raise many of our own food animals (beef & chicken/eggs) is due to the reality of what appalling conditions they're raised in - Utterly horrific & inhumane treatment, with no regard whatsoever for the fact that they are living, breathing, sentient creatures. Given these realities, I feel you should be commended for your thoughtful & humane response to this unfortunate reality of factory farming practices!
Thank you so much for posting this. Videos like this are absolutely invaluable for those of us who are working towards getting meat birds and are weighing what methods to use, or just want to know more what to expect. Excellent message on a very important topic as well.
I am not a religious person. I am pretty practical and tend only to believe something after investigating it myself. But it's amazing how much it helps to pray over the bird and give thanks before slaughtering it. You'd think that just getting it over with would be better. But strangely, holding it, calming it, and thanking it for it's sacrifice just makes it go better. I still get a little watery eyed with every one I kill. But I firmly believe that this is the most humane way.

Great Video.

Edit: By the way, don't be upset over people saying they could never do that. Many just couldn't. Take it as a compliment, not a negative. You can do something they can't. A good something.
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I agree with galanie, a lot of people CAN'T do it, even if they're not vegetarian/vegan. Most people like their rose-colored glasses or their blinders and would rather they didn't know where their food comes from and if they do know, they try to forget. Wouldn't let it get to you and I agree with your message wholeheartedly - except the god stuff, a trifle.

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