I promise... *A warrior cat RP*

Please Read First
A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.
B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.
C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.
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E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

"Do you promise? Do you promise you will always follow the warrior code, stay true to your clan, be helpful to all cats, and never, ever, ever intentionally seriously wound a cat?"
"Of course."
"You are on a path to greatness little one..."

As Grasskit grew up, she always remembered this conversation. She hung out with her sister, Rainkit(Reserved for ME!!!!) until they were apprentices. Then, when Rainkit became a Medicine Cat, she started hanging out with Waterpaw. He was a kind tom with lot's of loyalty.

This is where we start of. We need somebody for Grasspaw and Waterpaw. We also need mentors, a leader, a deputy, and a med. cat. Anyone can be anything else...

Physical description-
Fun Facts-

Seedclan- LIve in a forest, Loyal, feisty in war, ALL CATS ARE IN THIS CLAN(!!!!)
Rockclan- Live on side of mountain, rule breakers, rude, standofish
Dirtclan- Live in desert, messy, eat lizards, secretive, unknown mainly, newest clan
Snowclan- Live on peak of mountain, almost always white cats, hunt birds, kind, friendly, gentle, clean

These cats live around a lake with mountain/hill on one side, a forest on the other, and a desert moor on another side. To the west a river trickles down a stream into a marsh with 5 large stones. That's were the med. cats meet every half-moon. There are also logs leading into an island in the middle of the lake, where the cats meet every full moon.

I honestly love how far the RP has gone.

LOyal= Not Luna- yet she was in Seedclan!
Pearlglow watched as the clouds opened up and spilled water droplets across the ground. A distant rumbling of thunder made her shudder.
"Come into the den, kits," She called.
"Not true! You're older, but soon I'll be the biggest and strongest!" Darkkit said. And he probably would be.

Darkkit's blue eyes widened. "What else can they do?"
"Ha! You wish!" Softkit scoffed. She trotted over to the kit, her tail curled over her back. "I'm the largest in my litter! Why should I be any smaller than you?"
"Ha! You wish!" Softkit scoffed. She trotted over to the kit, her tail curled over her back. "I'm the largest in my litter! Why should I be any smaller than you?"
Dustkit shook droplets out of his brown fluffy fur and went inside, shivering. "Because I'm the largest in my litter, and I'm a tom!"
Dustkit shook droplets out of his brown fluffy fur and went inside, shivering. "Because I'm the largest in my litter, and I'm a tom!"
Softkit licked her small claws. "Well, I might understand why you'd be bigger than me when you grow up, but you still won't be stronger." She stared at him intently. "Unless you think I'm weaker than you because I'm a she-cat." She then grinned at him, a glint in her eyes. "But I'm sure that's not the case, right, Dustkit?"

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