I put blukote on my rooster- New Funny Pictures

It looks a lot worse then it actually is. If you wash all the dried blood off you can start to see where they actual wounds are and treat them. I just use polysporin and keep him seperated for a few days.

If your other roo beat him up, you might need to re-home one of them unless you can seperate them for good. After you heal him up, the same thing might happen when he put him back.
No need, he has his own flock, we got rid of ALL the roosters, even the ones he didn't fight with just in case, that and we only want like 4 chickens and we got 17, the guy we got all those chickens from kept baaaad care of them so we wanted to rehome them just because they ALL had frostbite, well the roos anyway, he had the least amount of frostbite, just a little bit.
Heres the most recent pictures, he seems happier and healthier.

Another full body pic

head picture


other side of head (i forget which eye was closed), oops old picture but ya he has his eye open now




His throat has some exposed skin that seems swollen, does it look bad? and if you look a few pictures up you can see the blood that was clogging his nostrils


his stomach is wet yet he doesn't want to be on the towel


Look how close he his!!!!


Hes a hands length away!!!!!

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Wounding to head is relatively minor. Treatment in my opinion should be topical only and in this case limited to carefull washing. He probably feels more pain from bruising which is not visible because of feathering. Damage to toes suggest he has fought through a pen sometime in past.

He should be standing. I did not read through entire thread, but recalled something about pain medication. Probably best to refrain from using such since not developed for poultry. Some medications for us are outright poisons for other critters.
Hes standing, and he walks around and even has made some relativity loud noises. I'm not using pain meds because he doesn't seem so lethargic and in pain. We have him on a diet of peas and mashed potatoes. Sorry the first couple pictures are old. I gave him a shower and that perked him right up. And the toe problems aren't necessarily from fighting, we had turkeys that pulled our chickens toes off
Thanks though. I can't quite get off all the dried blood but I did get it off around his nostrils. I don't have pain relief'less neosporin so I'm just gonna get blukote. Thanks everyone for the info!! I'll keep updated to show his progress. Also about his neck worries me because he kept acting lik he was gonna preen but changed his mind but now that I think about it it might have been his neck was swollen and annoying. And ya he just has some minor cuts that bled alot is all
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