I really hate this vet...



Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
So if you've been following the content I've been putting out you will know I recently got a new dog. She has some behavioral quirks which we've been working through but she is improving. When we purchased the dog she had an appointment for a spay with a local vet...I dont normally use them but it was free as well as her first vet appointment. Rather than take her twice I scheduled the exam with the spay. The vet just listened to her heart and said that "that" was the exam...um...what?!
Either way I shrugged it off but I have been continually been treated very rudely by the receptionists there. Id call and ask for the vet to call me back...then call back when the vet NEVER called me back to have one of them tell me "oh well your vet isnt in today so he will call tomorrow" proceeded by a call back from the vet 15 minutes later...again...what?!
Today was the final straw. I called in to ask for advice on a particular behavior. Duchess refuses to drink inside water...unless its from the toilet. Ive tried everything I can think of. I switched the bowls thinking it might be the taste...nope still only drinks from the outside bowl. I tried putting hose water in her inside bowl...nope its not the taste. I put a treat in in. She just got frustrated because ALL THIS WATER was in the way of her treat. The receptionist said "hmm, well...I'd just retrain her." Um...WHAT!? That's EXACTLY what I'm calling for advice on HOW to do it. :barnie
You should probably schedule an appointment to meet with the vet, you know pay for a visit.
I don't know very many vets who give advice freely over the phone.
My other vet I use for the cat does....I'm gonna call them tomorrow...then probably have everything faxed over. I'm sick and tired of the rudeness. Especially since a scheduled exam should not be what I received
You are frustrated, and I don't blame you.
'Free' is only worth it if you think it's actually fine, otherwise, go where you feel better about everything.
The cost of the OHE, whatever it is, over her lifetime, isn't worth your aggravation, unless it's really necessary to save this expense right now.
You are frustrated, and I don't blame you.
'Free' is only worth it if you think it's actually fine, otherwise, go where you feel better about everything.
The cost of the OHE, whatever it is, over her lifetime, isn't worth your aggravation, unless it's really necessary to save this expense right now.
I would have paid for a spay regardless. She just already had it scheduled and it was included in our purchase price. Now if they agreed to knock it off the purchase price I would not have gone with the FREE option.
Admittedly this is why I never use the "free" option that's often included with the adoption of a dog. We already have a vet that we're fine with, and they provide a courtesy exam for new dogs anyhow as we're existing clients.
In general, the very cheapest places are cheap for a reason, not good. Otherwise, extremely expensive isn't necessarily a lot better.
All the best for her!
My vet isnt cheap by any means. I go there because the staff is polite and the vet is wonderful with my cat. The vet also gives us more treatment options rather than just handing us a bill. I like the customer service more than anything. Healthcare whether it be for humans or pets is a business. The bigger business gets the less likely it is to value every tom, dick or harry who walks in.

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