I set eggs 2/27/10 ** DUE 3/20th-3/21st** WE"RE HATCHING!!!!


Dancing With My Chickens
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
I set my eggs today in my new 1588 Gen. This is my first hatch ever. I have a friend off BYC near me hatching eggs for me too. She's about a week in already.

I'm hatching:

White Orps
Wheaten Ameraucana
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Blue Copper Marans
A class serama
Mottled De unccle (SP)
Buff Silkie
Barred Cochin
Button Quail
Bobwhite Quail

Edit in: Faverolles
I think that's everyone. If I think about any others, I will add them in. Wish me luck.
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I set some welsummer eggs today. Will be slit hatch. I set some tuesday, and have some on day 16 in another bator. I have 2 bators full now.
Well, this is my first hatch in my home-made incubator as of last night. I'm adding a page to my website to follow along. I use iWeb, which is SO much easier than adding a page here at BYC (sorry guys). SO if you want to see my Teeny Beany Bator, it should be updated soon.

I've set 9 of my girls' eggs:
Buff Brahma Roo crossed with:
Partridge Cochin,
Buff Brahma (Banty)
Gld Lace Wyandotte (banty)
(hopefully)Gld Sebright

I'm pretty sure of who's eggs are who's, but am waiting to see when they hatch. I'm a little worried about my little bator- it was holding a steadt 100 degrees (still air) and I came down this morning and the temp read 98.7 . Should I be worried?

Good luck all you hatchers!
I'd try to get it up to 101. Mine's still air also, and 100 was a tad too low last time. They hatched late and 1 had problems. So I'm increasing it a bit this time.
OK, I'm in - I got a brandy new 1588 with turner and set BLRW eggs, some coturnix and some bobwhite quail - All set so that they hatch within a day or so of each other
What's everyone got humidity set on ???
My first hatch also,
fordmommy, good luck and good hatching!!!!!! Let's see how good we can do!!!!!!!!!!!

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