I started them in the incubator today! 6-20-12


my incubator. =]

And with my eggs:
I hope everything goes well with your hatch. Last night, or should I say around 1am, I placed 28 in the incubator. As you can tell this is my first time hatching also. Just couldn't wait another couple of hours 'til morning. We have 18 four day old chicks in the brooder now (also our first time having chicks). They are doing wonderful! We just decided to go all out. LOL. I wrestled with the temp all day/night. That was the reason for the late time in the incubator. I wish you the best of luck.
I set some yesterday, is that close enough? xD I have 26 eggs in my Hovabator 1602N. Have a candy thermometer in there xD First time incubating eggs in years, hope it goes well :p
Its so hard not to candle! I really wanna know how many are developing. Do you candle on day 5 or 7? I candled my duck eggs on day 7, but chickens grow faster. So is it ok to candle earlier?

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