I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

Yes, sour crop produces a very thin, watery poop, usually white and green. If you decide it's sour crop, and another symptom is vomiting a yellowish liquid when the least pressure is put on the crop, you break the suppositories into three portions each, and place one in her mouth, doing it twice a day for nine or ten days. Sometimes the condition improves after just five or six days, and you can stop with the Monistat. You can also use the tube of cream by squeezing out a dose of a quarter inch long.

If she's eating, that's a good sign. I hope she lays her egg and you can quit worrying about her. It's such a helpless feeling knowing your chicken isn't feeling well, and not knowing what to do for her. Sometimes just hoping the condition self corrects is all you can do.
she does have thin watery poo, white/clear, with some green. Now today when I got home it was brown though, maybe because she is eating her pellets only and a couple meal worms. I picked up liquid calcium incase it is a bound egg. I also picked up monostat. I'll feel her crop now, will she throw up at night? or only in the morning?

Felt her crop, it is pretty empty, not full like usual, but I don't know if she ate when we were gone. She hasn't eaten since I got home, but she did drink alot of water with probiotics and electrolytes in it. I gave her 1/3 of the monostat. guess I'll attach this from two sides. Since the vet said she didn't have worms or mites. I'll treat for egg bound and sour crop. I gave her that bath in epsom salts today, gave her some tums, she ate just a little bit. I also put oyster shell in with her. I bought some liquid calcium to give her as well. not sure if I should give her that tonight as well, or wait until morning with that. I also put KY in and around her vent. well, she is resting comfortably in her pen, in a small pet carrier, hopefully she makes it through the night. Thank you guys for your help!
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Good plan to attack it from different directions. It sounds like a good chance it's sour crop.

They don't always vomit. Often it's only after I go to pick up the patient and there's pressure on her crop with my fingers, that some liquid comes up.

It's a good sign she's beginning to eat, and the Monistat will help her body rid itself of the yeast infections. Keep up the Monistat until she's eating regularly and her poop is normal again.
Well, i'm leaning towards the sour crop. first thing this morning I felt it, it was squishy and watery and put pressure on it and liquid came up. I tilted her head down like she was eating and some poured out. I massaged it for a bit but didn't put her head down again, don't want her to aspirate. her poo was pure liquid this morning, clear, that is no good. But I did then mix her pellets with probiotic/electrolyte water to make a mash and she ate that right up. (she didn't want to eat the pellets) I put her monostat broken up in there as I couldn't get her to eat it like last night. It looks like she ate it all. Should I be limiting her food I wonder? Should I put grit in with her in case there is something in her crop that needs to be broken up if it is blocked by straw or something? I don't usually use straw, but the front of their run got snow in it before I got the panels up, then it froze and I didn't want the girls to get hurt jumping from their branch. I'm going to have to get the straw out of there. I'm not sure it is that, as I think she had the diarrhea a couple days before I put it in there, but I don't want to take any chances. I'm waiting for the feed store to get Koop Clean in and i'll put that in the run instead...
If she has any impaction in the crop, like straw, the crop would feel hard, not squishy. The remedy for impacted crop, by the way, is olive oil. That's not easy to do without danger of aspiration, though, but I doubt this is your problem. Also, there would be little to no poop, and it would be hard pebbles, if any.

Let her eat whatever and however much she wants. When I have one with sour crop, they like raw squash and grated carrots, along with small amounts of dry crumbles. They will consume lots of water, so make sure she has plenty. You've probably caught this early, so she should make a full recovery. Try not to worry.
Been treating her with monostat for 3 days, she seems to be getting better, her poo isn't just liquid, it has solid in it, I put her out with the other girls, I don't want her to get any more picked on that what she already does (she is second from the bottom). Only she keeps eating the sweet PDZ? I offer calcium and grit free choice so that is odd. I'll keep going with the monostat and see what happens.
She's instinctively attempting to neutralize the high acid level in her crop by eating the sweet PDZ, is my guess. Offer her grated raw carrots. If you put ACV in the waterers, stop doing it until her crop gets back to normal.
I think her crop is good now. and her diarrhea seems to be under control, I have her (and the rest) pet probiotics mixed with oatmeal. the poo in the poop tray was mostly solid under her this morning. here is what I gave her: http://www.amazon.com/Mercola-Compl...418083162&sr=1-1&keywords=probiotics+for+pets I give it to my dogs for their tummy health (one of my puppies has very sensative stomache) and figured what the hey?

So cluck cluck has the peepers back on. I had to take them off a few weeks ago as they got packed with clay/mudd, then when I went to take them off I think they scraped her nostril as she was bleeding. So I kept them off til yesterday. but the last few days I noticed many feathers, especially of mothers thought cluck cluck was back at it. but... mother is loosing feathers even on the roost, so it isn't cluck cluck. maybe molting. I thought about mites, but checked them all over and don't see any. I did dust them yesterday just in case though, even though I don't see anything. one thing or another. I may not be made out for chicken keeping, I worry constantly...
This is the time of year that chickens molt. If she's anywhere around 18 months of age, she will have a full molt where her feathers just fall out and she'll grow new ones.

It's a learning experience but you're doing fine. Don't give up. Those birds will bring you unlimited amounts of pleasure as you watch them just doing their thing.

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