I think I know what's wrong, Help Baby chick is acting strange

she's still not acting right but I did catch her eating 4 times today and she did take a drink. She's walking around a lot better but I still haven't seen her go poop on her own yet. Not sure what I did to make the slight change but she is slowly or at least it seems like she is getting a little bit better..
Well hopefully this is a good sign, hope it continues
Ok she finally went poop on her own, only it was not normal poop, it was very runny and it was red. I thought perhaps it may have been the electrol water or perhaps the terramycin, now I did come across a sight that talks about Necrotic Enteritis, it says the treatment is Penicillin. Now where do you get penicillin for chickens? I live out in the boonies, not a whole lot of chicken vets here.
I got him some Sulmet and I have to admit, the little guy is doing a little better, the only problem we have now is when she walks she looks like she is drunk. She staggers and falls but gets right back up
Not an expert on raising chicks but red poop could be blood and a sign of cocci. I had a hen who was acting similar to how you're describing your chick. She was straining and straining and then pooped blood. She ended up passing away after a few days.
From what I've been reading on here, when I was looking for help with my hen, Sulmet will help treat the cocci but can also lead to kidney issues if given for longer than recommended. Corid can also be used to treat cocci.

Again, not an expert, but don't want you to lose any chicks you don't need to!
Well she seems to reacting to the Sulmet pretty good. I'm really worried about the drunkenest when she walks, hope that improves. She eats a lot, so much she will sleep in her food, when she wakes up for just a moment. Boom she's right there to eat. Kind of funny..

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