I think I lost my mind.I built a model of my coop to be.pics have fun

hey maybe if I build a mini of my coop Ill finally finish it.
It makes alot of sense to have a model. You can find the flaws BEFORE you knock yourself out building it. We need a judge, guidelines ie: what materials, size etc. are allowed. We need model chicken prizes or whatever!! It would be great because afterwards your kids get to play with them and learn about chicken math etc.
Any volunteers???
You're in good company. I think it's important to be able to have something built/drawn to scale to make sure your ideas work. Architects do this all the time with CAD and physical models. Now if you start making stick chicken figurines along with your model...

I ended up using google sketchup (3D) for the basic concept of the coop/run enclosure. Since it was going to be built next to existing structures, I had to make sure the ideas I had in my mind would actually fit. In the end I'm glad I did, because it would have been too easy to make it not work without proper planning. The main coop part I had a series of drawings to scale.
I built my little cardboard model because I am "plans challenged." I needed to know how to put things together and see how they fit. It also helped me work with minor changes in my plans (move the window over to make room for the rear roll-out nest box) before I actually bought the materials and put saw to wood.

It was a necessary step for me.
Great - we still need someone who has thrown a contest before (Mahonri & cohorts -are you listening??) to organize, judge(s), set guidelines, start - finish deadlines.

Come on guys - we need this done before springs arrives and people are building their for real coops, and before the Easter Hatch marathon.
I think as the originator of this contest, (correct me if Im wrong, too lazy to go back and read) YOU should go ahead and organize. Its simple, give us at least a month, have a size limit, etc., entry deadline, what pics are needed. I wouldnt limit the creativity, though, lol ppl can be quite inventive! Maybe the OP would like to judge? I think I saw a sticky somewhere about contests, should probably check.

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