I Think It Is A Duck!! NEW PICS

I will send pics in the morning..so be watching. Hopefully he will be breathing. His feet are so big and his beak is hugh. Just not used to ducks I guess.
Thanks for asking. He/she is alive today...very weak. Has broken loose from umbilical cord and still has some yolk. I am no vet so I didn't want it to dry up on his tummy so I wet paper towels and put on the floor of the incubator to help keep it moist. I also had him drink...which he welcomed ..some sugar water. I don't post much on this forum but read it all the time. Have picked up some good advice. Please tell me if this that I am doing is right or wrong and what else can I do to help him survive.
Thanks so much. Just feel close to the little thing since I found it like I did. Never thought it would get this far. Have kept temp like I did with regular chicken eggs. It is staying between 99.5 and 100 and humidity is around 75 to 78. Will that do?
the temp is perfect...but remember duck eggs are in or very near water so i would mist the egg if it hasnt pipped and keep the humidity really high.
it should be fine that humid, but keep it up! Hope you hatch a cute little duck, i have 4 rouens (the fat non-migrating version of the mallard) and they were sooo cute. good luck
could you give him a little polyvisol infant vitamins (NO IRON) seems to really help with weak chicks. Maybe a stuffed toy for him to cuddle with. Fingers and toes crossed for this guy.

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