I think it is time to strangle my cats........


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Seriously! I mean, my dog is well behaved (I know how to train a dog), my other pets are contained (small, furry, scaly, etc.). My cats......well, my cats are HORRIBLE!!!! They are pretty good about staying off things like counters (thanks water bottle) but they torture my dog and they eat chargers. Like cell phone chargers. This is an almost constant thing. I can't count the number of phone chargers I have replaced and they are NOT cheap. However, they really did it this time. They ate the laptop power cord! So, today I spent $50 getting a USED replacement!!! I think the old one would be perfect to strangle the little darlings, don't you?????


Lucy (she was actually trying to lick my eyeballs when I took this pic)

Petunia (we call the poor thing Tuna Fishy though):

LOL....honestly, I do find it funny sometimes (except when I am paying for the replacements). I mean, seriously, WHY????? They just better be glad I love them!! And Lucy (the second one) is my husband's cat so he always reminds me "It WAS NOT Lucy" (though she is actually the worst) "She must have been trying to hide the pieces so your cats wouldn't get in trouble"
Well, there's that too.

Mine haven't eaten anything lately, but they're leaving hairballs all over the place. Spring came suddenly, and they're a mess.
aww! cute kitties! mine also eat some wires..ALWAYS my ipod headphone wires. ANY headphone wires.. its really weird!
...cant even remember how many i have had to buy...
Well, maybe you could charge things in the bathroom or a closed room? I know, cats can be amazing when it comes to opening doors you don't want opened. Some even learn to turn door knobs! But maybe yours haven't learned that trick yet?

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