I think my duck broke her leg


10 Years
May 7, 2013
She used her wings and her good leg too get to the water, but it isn't deep enough to swim in. She hasn't used her bad leg. Whenever I try to get close too her she flops away. I was thinking of picking her up but then I realized that I had no idea what too do once I picked her up. What can I do to help her? At the moment I'm feeling very stupid.
She used her wings and her good leg too get to the water, but it isn't deep enough to swim in. She hasn't used her bad leg. Whenever I try to get close too her she flops away. I was thinking of picking her up but then I realized that I had no idea what too do once I picked her up. What can I do to help her? At the moment I'm feeling very stupid.
You need to pick her up and examine her leg, we had another member who's duck broke her leg this week and she took her to a vet that is my recommendation for yours too. While you decide though she needs to be placed in a smaller area where she isn't trying to move around so much, Keep her warm because they can go into shock, even if not broken it will take awhile to heal so she'll need to be kept quite and not be where she can injure herself worse.
Thank you so much!!! I'm sorry but I can't take her to a vet. I'll do my best to keep her quiet but it will be hard because of the drakes. I could separate her but then she would be too cold.
Thank you so much!!! I'm sorry but I can't take her to a vet. I'll do my best to keep her quiet but it will be hard because of the drakes. I could separate her but then she would be too cold.
You don't want drakes messing with her is she has a broken leg, they will injure her further and then you may have to put her down. Don't worry about the drakes take care of your duck now, if you have a dog crate put her in that with bedding or old clean towels, and keep her out of the weather, a broke leg is serious and should not be left alone. have you examined her to see if it is indeed broken or maybe a sprain? if the drakes are getting after her they may have caused this to begin with if they are mating her alot.
I don't have a dog crate..... I don't know how I'm going to keep her separate and warm... I keep her separate using cardboard for tonight but the chickens will brake that fast. Tomorrow morning I'm going to have my sister show me how to tell if her leg is broken by feeling it because I don't know how too yet. I do think it was the drakes that caused it because I need too get rid of two of them.
My Pekin had a sprained leg before, and it didn't seem this bad. But I hope it's just a sprain!!
Thanks Amiga, I did reinforce it with duck tape but I was putting it as a wall in between two crates, and in the semi-darkness I didn't realize that the crate had a hole in the side of in that would let her out! Arrgh! This morning me and my sister got an old laundry basket (why can't I think of these things myself?!? Why?!?) and we put some old rags in it and food and water (and the duck!) and covered it with chicken wire. It's inside of the coop, by the door, so she won't get rained on but can still see and hear the other ducks. She doesn't have enough room to stand up comfortably. She is laying slightly on her side, I guess that is more comfortable for her. When she poops, it gos strait out of the laundry basket, so at least I won't worry about her laying on poop all day. I wish she had more room!
Amiga, your signature is very comforting to me at the moment because my family is muttering things like "She's just going to die, you should just put her out of her misery."
Miss Lydia, we didn't check her leg yet because my sister said she didn't want to cause the duck more stress and pain just too see if her leg is really broken. She said if we actually needed to know if her leg was broken in order than she would do it, but if the duck was just going to stay in the laundry basket till she healed then she didn't see much point in checking it.
Thanks Amiga, I did reinforce it with duck tape but I was putting it as a wall in between two crates, and in the semi-darkness I didn't realize that the crate had a hole in the side of in that would let her out! Arrgh! This morning me and my sister got an old laundry basket (why can't I think of these things myself?!? Why?!?) and we put some old rags in it and food and water (and the duck!) and covered it with chicken wire. It's inside of the coop, by the door, so she won't get rained on but can still see and hear the other ducks. She doesn't have enough room to stand up comfortably. She is laying slightly on her side, I guess that is more comfortable for her. When she poops, it gos strait out of the laundry basket, so at least I won't worry about her laying on poop all day. I wish she had more room!
Amiga, your signature is very comforting to me at the moment because my family is muttering things like "She's just going to die, you should just put her out of her misery."
Miss Lydia, we didn't check her leg yet because my sister said she didn't want to cause the duck more stress and pain just too see if her leg is really broken. She said if we actually needed to know if her leg was broken in order than she would do it, but if the duck was just going to stay in the laundry basket till she healed then she didn't see much point in checking it.
Rouen Duck I'm worried if you duck doesn't have adequate room to move then if her leg does begin to heal it may not be in the right position to do it,. Can you look around and maybe find something larger to put her in? your going to have to get her out at least daily for some swim time [water therapy] WITHOUT drakes being able to get to her. and to clean her hospital room up. Sometimes stores have large boxes when they first get shipments in if you could get to one before they flatten them out. or an appliance store. What is your drake to duck ratio? just wondering if any of your other ducks may end up the same why if more drakes than ducks there. Them boys can sure be rough on the ducks.
She can move some but not that much. I'm going to try to find something larger but I don't know how successful I will be. Thank you for telling me about the stores boxes, I'll see what I can do. I have four girls, counting the duck with the broken leg, and four boys, but I have found a home for two of the boys and I hope they will leave soon.

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