I think my peachick has blackhead? HELP!


8 Years
May 1, 2011
Jasper, Mo
I think my 5 week old pea has blackhead-- Monday the 26 i noticed him sleeping all day and the only time he wasn't was when i was holding him. And i don't want to loose him. My other pea is fine so is my guineas but what can i do for him. Yesterday he was sleeping all day and the guineas would step on him so i moved him into a cage by himself. Then he would pace the fence cuz he could see the other pea so i put up sides on his cage so they couldn't see eachother now he is hunched over all the time and this morning yellow dropping--running. And i want to no is there anything i can do he has been sick for 2 days.
I am sorry I dont know what black head is.

Treatment and Control
Employment of proper husbandry practices can be utilized by domestic turkey farmers to control blackhead and cecal worms in their flocks. Also, drugs are available for treatment and control. The current low level of infection in wild birds does not warrant attempts at treatment. However, if the disease should become significant, it is conceivable that medicated feed and water could be made available for wild flocks.

wiki said

The most common symptom of blackhead disease is yellow watery bird droppings. To reduce the spreading of Blackhead disease, the sick birds must be removed and their litter

Does he also have that?

Do you have other birds with the disease? Good luck and keep us posted
See my link https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=387702 Last year I asked for help as i had a sick peachick and I got some good advices. I lost this peachick, but I remember he/she had some improvment with apple sider vinegar in the water to drink.
I recently had a week old peachick I thought was going to die for sure. Last year I read on backyardchickens that Tylan 50 anti biotic is like a wonder drug so used it on a peachick that was ill then. I saw a change immediately. Gave this peachick some too but kept researching for remedies. Read to give the chick 1 to 2 drops of Poly-Vi-Sol children's liquid vitamins so rushed to grocery store and bought some. The next morning .... after looking like death was at it's door step I went out on the closed in back porch and it had flown out of the box and was walking around on the floor. I was amazed. Dosage for Tylan 50 (bought at Tractor Supply) was 1/4 cc or mL (they are the same) in the mouth for 2 days. I used 1 drop of Poly-Vi-Sol early morning and late in day for 2 days. NEVER put it back in their throat unless you know what you're doing. It can go down the wrong opening and kill it. I put it in the front to center part of it's beak and let it drink it on it's own. If you miss and spill some give a little more.
took 3 days but I didn't know exactly when he/she got sick plus I didn't know what is the right amount meds to give (it was given all meds - for blackhead, cocci). maybe I overdosed it...
With all those tears falling I'm assuming it passed. I'm so sorry. Do you keep your peachicks off the ground on wire, away from chickens and give them medicated feed? I've lost none....knock on wood but it's a lot of work to take all the precautions recommended.

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