I THINK THE FEED STORE CHEATED ME ?!?!?!? Pullet a roo?!


6 Years
May 31, 2013

I think my black star pulley is really a roo! Can someone please help here's the other babies as well I'm concerned the feed store lied about all of them


Supposed black star/black sex-link Daisy


I have no idea the breed the feedstore employee guessed red star/red sex-link


Supposed ameruacana Mocha


And I'm 99% that its a white leghorn because how can a feedstore get that wrong plus she's very spunky, Onyx

Thanks for the help I have more pictures if needed

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It might depend on the breeds used in the cross, but with the black sex links called Black Stars I have had, the females have had black heads and the males had white spots.
Can't see the feathers coming in on the reddish chick well enough in the picture to guess.
The chipmunk colored chick does look like what the hatcheries sell as Ameraucana, they are usually Easter Eggers, Easter Egger is a popular name for the mixes that have Ameraucana/Araucana somewhere in their ancestry. They are not a breed with a standard like Ameraucana & Araucanas are. http://www.ameraucana.org/index.html is the website to the Ameraucana club, they have a FAQs page that talks about the differences. To be an Ameraucana, a chicken has to meet the breed standard.
White chick with yellow legs, hopefully a White Leghorn.
If your black sex link is indeed a black sex link, it's a male. If it's a barred rock, it's too early to say. Thing is, a black sex link male is colored same as a barred rock female at first, so you'll just have to wait it out for the 6-7 week mark to see which it is.

ameraucana is actually an easter egger, but all you're wanting is colored eggs anyway so doesn't really matter. They're all sold as ameraucanas but that's wrong.

Red sex link could be, if so looks like a female. Some type of red hatchery bird, anyway

Leghorn is probably a leghorn.
Hi wetrgy and :welcome

It sounds like you are frazzled.

not sure why you think your feed store is lying to you..they have no motivation to outright lie, although there are plenty of opportunities for mistakes to be made. Feed stores don't breed their own chicks. They order them from hatcheries then put them in bins and hopefully label them correctly. A breed can be wrong from the hatchery or the chick could be mislabeled. The mist likely scenario is this is a barred rock pullet. The boy black sex links are easy to sex and generally not sent out from the hatchery.

Also, vent sexing day old chicks is only 90% accurate--about 10% of chick's little bitty parts just do not look obviously boy or girl. That's why hatcheries breed sex links. But even then some of the down colors are ambiguous and may be wrong in a tiny percentage of chicks. Finally, Ameracaunas from hatcheries (with rare exception and they cost more), are not true Ameraucanas but rather bird's most commonly called Easter Eggers. They are nice bird's but you can't show them. I have one and she is my second best layer.

So tell us more of your story so we can help.
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I'm very concerned the feed store gave me the incorrect information about my sex link chick I am already attached and do not want to part with him or her and I would like to find out if my little daisy is a he as we'll as any info on the others :)
I'm very concerned the feed store gave me the incorrect information about my sex link chick I am already attached and do not want to part with him or her and I would like to find out if my little daisy is a he as we'll as any info on the others
Feedstores aren't the ones who breed or sex chicks. It is the hatcheries they purchase the chicks from. They get large shipping boxes full of each breed and with some breeds they are seperated by gender.
I'm aware that feed stores have nothing to do with hatching breeding raising ect. I'm just confused about the gender of my chick
As I said, there's no way to know until around 6 weeks, sorry. You can post pics as it grows, if you want. if it's a rooster, it will grow a larger, redder comb early, usually pretty apparent around 6 weeks or so. Until then, a black sex link male and a barred rock hen are pretty much identical. You can exchange it at the feed store, if they're willing, for a black chick with a solid head, that should be a black sex link female.

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