I think the most humane way to kill a chicken is *GRAPHIC POST*

Blocked here too, but MHO is that is it humain to just behead them. The electricity may very well work and I am sure it is used in several areas of processing. I also truely agree with Ms P. She makes a vary valid point that I think most of forget every now and then. I raise them to eat and to supply me with eggs. Even if they are there for the porpose of the freezer I believe that they have a good life while it lasts.

Just remember all of use have our own opinions about the reasons for our birds, and we are here to share them not judge by them. Thanks Red Rooster for making us aware

I watched the video and I have watched Jamie Olivers show, he is very much in tune with nature and growing things and being thankful for what he is provided, he has respect and admiration for the life given to him and made sure to point out that he doesn't take for granted the chickens life that he took. If you continue watching the series on YouTube, you will see some other clips. One of which he has the audience pick the male chicks out of a bundle of chicks at their table. The chicks are collected and placed in a chamber, he then shows how the big industries deal with them. It's hard to watch but he is trying to be educational so the viewer can understand how the chicken industry dispatches these birds. Another clip has him showing a couple of caged battery hens that he rescues and how badly they were treated, the feathers are a mess, combs are pale, he shows how with simple kindness you can save these birds and give them a good life. I think the point he is trying to make is how out of touch the public is with what goes on in the life of these animals that most take so for granted. Like I said, it's almost shocking to watch but I'd rather know the truth and learn from it and pass the information on to others, only with knowledge are you able to make a change.

Thank you for sharing the clip.
I think electrocution is painful as well, since I've experienced it. But of course I've never experienced a fatal jolt, so I obviously can't comment on that. I think that if there is pain, it is incredibly brief. There's almost no way to avoid that, the moment of death for any creature is not good.

To me, this seemed quite humane, as well as respectful. Facing this reality is necessary because I choose to eat meat. If I raise meat chickens, I will look into this method of culling. Thanks for the info, rooster-red.
I agree that an electric shock to an extremity is extremely uncomfortable and can be very painful, however an electric shock to the brain shor curcuits all the neurones causing instant unconsciousness, the pain sensations don't get a chance to register.

I believe this is absolutely the most humane way to slaughter and I wish I had experience with and access to an electocution device myself.
I agree with beheading. I dont think they can still feel pain after being beheaded because the nerve that makes them feel pain is in the brain right?
Yeah, once beheaded, you break the link from the brain to the body. The nerve endings are in the body so once detached, nothing can travel though the central nervous system to to be processed as pain in the brain.
I hadn't thought of it that way... But that makes a whole lot of sense that the electric current would end any brain activity going on.

Red Rooster: I am sorry that I jumped to an unfounded conclusion. I hope all can forgive me for being so thick.

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