I think we got ripped off....by a "friend"??

Show up at friends and take the bike back. Pay what he gave you and move on.Friendship is probably over anyway.That or consider it a very expensive gift,and again friendship is probably over.

My dh has done the payment plan with friends/co-workers and it always ends bad.We would never screw others,but others often don't feel the same.Well meaning on your dh part.We all want to expect goodness out of others.

Shame on the friend to try and scam for a lower amount.We all have bills.If he was decent he would just give the bike back and apologise. I think I would actually tell him that when I show up to get the bike.
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If you know when he gets paid, I would show up at his bank early that morning and cash the checks. The fact that he has given you 2 checks is in your favor. It acknowledges that he owed you money for the bike, or at least there was some sort of agreement. The odds are the money is gone. Many times people ate to afraid to tell others that they were duped by someone.
You all just need to hang out with a better group of friends and relatives.

Seriously? Giving a contact to your own mother?? get real!
since you can't go and take the bike back from him.. you'll have to take him to court and hope to win. Can you put a lean on his home or any property?

My DH didn't listen to me either and was going to "co-sign" a loan for a new truck for a "buddy" of his...... I'm sure ya'll know where this is going........ yeah... buddy didn't make several payments and didn't tell us about it. We called to check up on the loan (at my urging)... we had several hundred dollars in late fees and several car payments we had to make to keep our credit from going in the crapper. Luckily the DH listened to me and at least had gotten a key for the truck. We went over after dark, took the truck and turned it in to the dealership. When we turned it in, thats when I found out my DH lied to me... HE financed the truck in his name alone.. his "buddy" wasn't even on the loan. I wanted to kill him.... he is never ever allowed to do anything like this for a friend - EVER! Or I am history!
the guy totaled the bike and got enough in insurance to pay them off in full but has tried to swindle his way out of it and sounds like he's suceeded.
With a contract there shouldn't be any hurt feelings. Better for all to know what is expected, than find out the hard way. Everyone's parents can be and are different, and relationships vary. It all depends on the relationship. You can't trust everyone, no matter how good of a friend, you might think they are.
With a contract there shouldn't be any hurt feelings. Better for all to know what is expected, than find out the hard way. Everyone's parents can be and are different, and relationships vary. It all depends on the relationship. You can't trust everyone, no matter how good of a friend, you might think they are.

but your own momma? is she rotten? is her credit worthless? wow! I wouldnt charge my mom a dime for anything.I guess I cant understant that since my Mom and I have a great relationship.

Also you cant say "I trust noone" because then noone will be around you and you will be some hermit living under a rock in the woods.Trust makes real friends turn into extended family.It also sifts out the stiffs in your family and friends.

Fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me
Yeah. Been here. Done this.

Never loan money that you *have* to have back. Just consider it a gift... If you ever get paid, it'll be a pleasant surprise.

Seriously though. Contracts are everyone's best friend. They know what to expect from you and you from them. (Even your own mother, if the loaner deems it necessary...)

My hubby and I bought my brother's family a car. And paid their rent and other bills, with the understanding that we would get a monthly payment until they got better on their feet. Ummmmm, no. Live and learn.
Send the "friend" a 1099 form that lists the value of the bike as income. Report that income to the IRS so at least he will have to pay taxes on his gift.

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