i used to like horses

My horses are all like dogs, love attention, do anything for food, do tricks etc. If excited though, food might not be enough to keep their attention, they have a natural instinct to run from what they fear. My horses are not kickers, and have never tried that on me because they know better, I taught them. They have taught very scared boy scouts how wonderful horses are and by the end of the day they were trotting them all over on them. One of my horses is a adopted mustang too. Most people have bad experiences with badly trained horses, then never want to mess with them again. Don't loose your interest in them over a couple of bad apples.
If they just busted out of their pasture they are going to be all full of beans and vinegar from the excitement. If they aren't horses you know well, there isn't much you can safely do with two at once. If you have a paddock, you could put treats into a bucket and they will probably (no guarantees) follow you into there, and then you can lock them in.
As a side note, I would talk to your neighbors about their poor fencing. That's just a nasty accident waiting to happen - either from an injury going through the fence, or getting hit by a car...
EDIT: ...and I'm sorry you got kicked - that's no fun from a horse you know and love, let alone one you don't!
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