I was sold fowl with Chronic Respiratory Disease rant/help

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11 Years
Feb 22, 2009
Ashtabula, Ohio
I was sold birds that have CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease) Highly contagious and non curable. No, it isn't often deadly. It can be treated and will go into remission. However, if the bird is stressed, it will swing back. All birds that have it are carrieries for the rest of their lives. More info here http://ultimatefowl.atwiki.com/page/CRD

, I spend $100+ shipping for a pair 2.5 month old birds with this. (They were shipped, I had no idea they had it) The breeder said they probably had CRD which was just a common cold. (As they had crusty orange goo on their nostrils) Am I being peddy or is this a common cold? I am trying to stand on the ground that you don't sell sick animals. (Birds also had lice, and were thin and haven't been eating much since they arrived)

I appreciate any advice, this has been a rather stressful experience.
Best wishes,
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OMG that is terrible! Did you buy from a tested flock? If yes ask for a copy of the pprwk and report them to the dept of ag for selling sick birds!! I can't stand people who have no idea how bad things can be when they aren't there to see it! Kinda like an outta site outta mind theory! I wish you the best of luck and hope it is only a cold and not CRD!!
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Beth G. :

OMG that is terrible! Did you buy from a tested flock? If yes ask for a copy of the pprwk and report them to the dept of ag for selling sick birds!! I can't stand people who have no idea how bad things can be when they aren't there to see it! Kinda like an outta site outta mind theory! I wish you the best of luck and hope it is only a cold and not CRD!!

Thanks so much for your response, I feel less crazy to hear this from another chicken keeper. Sadly, they are NPIP tested, and BYC members.​
I don't actually know if it really is CRD. I asked, and that is what she told me it was. But, she made it sound like it was no big deal?
Keeping my fingers crossed that these birds have been nowhere near your flock and that you've been careful to follow strict biosecurity after handling these birds and before working with yours. Do you know where you can get necroscopies performed? If this was a reputable breeder they wouldn't be sick nor would they be infested with external parasites. One way or another these birds should be culled/sacrificed and either eat the cost and consider it an expensive lessson or go after the breeder for the cost thus far incurred (including cost of necroscopies, if any - need to verify specific illness).

Good luck!
THAT IS WRONG!!!! you never sell a sick bird ever-if they told you they were sick you should not have bought them- they are tested and all ?? Im sorry for what you are going through but I would have said no thank you the minute I heard they were ill with a cold-chickens do not get colds they get illnesses-repiratory infections- that cause them to be carriers for life or have chronic issues that will spread and harm other chickens around them no matter how long you quarantine them! what a sad situation...
REPORT them! It is illegal & immoral and just plain wrong to sell sick birds. Stop them before they do it to somebody else. Please help stop the spread of this disease.
They have been separately caged, but in the same barn as my sq Cochins, buff barred Cochin project, wellsummers, buff opringtons, and French Marans. I don't let them play together, but I"m not as safe as I wish I was. I do not know where to go to get these fowl tested? I also want to kill and burn them, but I"m nervous.

They are no longer in my barn.
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