I wrote a letter to the Governor...


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
I always wonder who reads those.....

Any ideas? Aides? The delete box?

I write my congress folks, but rarely get a reply.
I recently wrote my congressman for the first time and did get a response.

It was written as though he wrote it, but I seriously doubt he was the one that answered it. It's most likely in most instances it falls into the hands of staff. Of course I could be wrong, I'm not sure how many folks actually take the time to write their elected officials. If they don't get a lot of mail from their constituents then maybe they do answer themselves.

just my best guess.
Federal senators and representatives have a service that handles all of their correspondence. I've gotten a reply before that was on a subject completely different than what I had written them about. I've also gotten an identical letter as my in laws have when they've written on similar subjects. It's all form letters. It use to be that a letter carried some weight but now it is about volume pro and con. E-mails, letters, calls, etc...

I've given up on writing and now call directly. I identify myself by name with my full address and advise that I am a registered voter. At least that carries some weight with the staffers that answer phones.

I can say that I've had a staffer call me directly before regarding a letter that I sent so maybe it's not all worthless effort.

Now at the state level. I have the cell number for my state representative and speak to him on occasion. If something comes up that I feel needs to be looked at I am always free to call him. IMHO we've lost D.C and the best we can hope for is to keep our states.
I get a form letter back every time I write. Sometimes it jsut says "Thanks for contacting me" and sometimes it explains why they voted a certain way, blah blah blah. But its also a form letter.
I've sent pre-written emails to my congressman and senator as well as the Secretary of Defense. I've received letters in the mail from the congressman and senator, nothing from the Secretary of Defense.

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