IA here

We had a great time at Waverly and ended up bringing home 10 Silkey chicks that my daughter wanted. She spent most of the morning petting puppies and rabbits and giving me her sad eyes that we could not take any home. When at the end we came through the lunch stand building and they had those chicks I gave in. Much easier to take care of then another puppy.

Met some great people and handed out cards for the swap this weekend. See you all Sat. In Maquoketa.
They have to be free from diseases and Pullorom and Typhoid tested 90 days from the swap. We will have a tester on site and I think it is 25 cents a bird and you only have to test 10% or your birds.

Are any of you on facebook? I'm friends with a few of you on there, but would like to be friends with everyone in IA on FB. Send me a PM or email with your name so I can add you!
I'm on FB but haven't been on there much lately. Will go message you today.

I was checking out that sale link above and in the sale terms it says all cages sell with animals? What does that mean? If I sell a bird I have to give you the cage? That seems weird...
If it's an auction, then yes, the cage goes with. Most people cobble something together out of leftover supplies. You don't need to even have a door on it. The purchaser can dismantle the cage to get the animals out. A lot of people drill holes in 2 tin cans, affix them to the inside of the cage for food and water for during the sale.

Great idea - I would also like to be friends w/any of the IA group on FB if anyone would like to PM me their info. I sent you an email :)

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