IA here


In Kansas for auctions we have strict regulations we have to follow for birds to be caged up. For example the bird should not be able to get it's head out of the cage and there must be food and water and some sort of bedding. Everything is put in place to protect the birds. When you are buying birds and buy a bunch it is nice to get the cages and not have to worry about getting things home.

Zebra and camel consigned
along with several nice pigeons and other birds.

Just an update....... Chubby Bubby is definitley in love with Curly! When I let the girls out, she is always the last one to come back in. She sits on the ladder in front of their little honeymoon bunk house and waits for me to let her in! It's all terribly funny. Curly even clears a spot for her to lay her eggs in, and is very protective of his mountain of love! What a pair.

Thats a great idea about treating those birds with a bit of respect. Kudos to your State. I have been to one poultry auction and conditions were so miserable it almost made me ill. It was raining and cold and although there were plenty of buildings to back the hay racks into, the auctioneers opted to leave them all outside as they auction each rack off one homemade cage at a time, inside a building. That was the only time the birds were out of the rain. I would not have touched one of those pathetic, wretched, foul smelling birds, with a 20 foot pole and someone elses money! From pheasants to peacocks to orpingtons, they were miserable and I bet by the time someone got them home they would be half dead, and suffering from CRD. The auctioneers should have been fined for that cruelty. It's just common sense and decency.
Hi all! Haven't been on in awhile. Got an auto waterer worked up today. Went from the usual plastic waterer from the feed store to a nipple system. Hoping everyone learns to use it! Is just a bucket w/nipples on the bottom with the toilet refiller thingy hooked up via hose to the faucet to keep the bucket filled with water.

Didn't think I was going to make it to Maquoketa but now I might! Unfortunately I have a ton of mixed-breed pullets and/or hens I need to sell. Craigslist isn't coming through for me this year. Since I didn't think I was going to make it tomorrow I didn't do any sort of prep to sell so I'll have to wait for another sale. Do sellers get there in the middle of the night like they do for Waverly? What if your adults aren't tested - can you test chicks <5 mo old at the sale?

I really want to get into Buckeyes, but HAVE to get rid of many birds before I can do that. Probably next year's plan if I can thin my flock out over the next year.

I'm on FB if anyone wants another "friend". PM me.
I sold chicks left and right last year on craigslist - this year not so much either.

I'm not going to the swap this weekend - hubby got the pontoon out of the garage after SEVEN years and we are going fishing!!
Getting ready to go to the swap with Colored Egg Farmer
What did everyone get at the swap? I resisted and only got eggs From FlashPointFarm, a Dwarf Hotot Bunny for my 8 year old and a rabbit hutch I'm going to convert into a brooder.

I was really disappointed in the quality of the adult chickens- especially hens. They were really old looking or just not well taken care of. - Lots and Lots of chicks..but I didn't see any Blue Cochin or I would have come home with some of those. - I need more chickens- yeah, really I do.

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