IA here

Do your chicks waste as much feed as they eat? Mine did and I decided to see if there was a reason. I watched and they would sort out the crumbles the size they wanted and caused the rest to go on the brooder floor. I experimented with an old universal hand crank food grinder. I ground the crumbles into a fine meal that is almost all the same size. Now doing this for all my chicks for the 1st 3 weeks.The chicks now do not waste near as much feed. I am trying to figure out how to make it motor driven without making it dust instead of feed. I also wonder if this is more of a problem with bantams than standard birds. I only have bantams. Just sharing in case it helps anyone else.
I hatched out 1 Iowa Blue today. I set 12 and had 10 duds. 2 developed and 1 was a quitter. I set 14Cochin eggs the same day in the same incubator and got 14 to hatch. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense. I am still learning every hatch.

14 out of 14 is great! I can tell this is going to be an ongoing learning experience. What I think I like is that it is going to be a great way to try some different birds in my flock and I don't have to go through the hatcheries. I am not even sure of my results from candling and it should become more apparent as time goes on.
I've users coffee grinder for my little guys before. Full-size don't waste as much but still dig around. At least mine do. I'd like to find a meal a coop near me sells it In bulk but not bagged. Though about it but don't have that many chickens.
U can get grinders for tractors. A friends has 1 for there livestock. If they didn't have 50 things going on I'd hit them up to grind for me.
I have ground the feed by hand for the young chicks. I find that one brand seems to grind theirs slightly finer so I use the fine stuff for little chicks and the larger crumbles for the older chicks. And yes, our adult birds are feed wasters. It's like the bit of feed must be a certain color rather than size. i try and get the younger birds in and move them around. I have 5 that are good ground feeders and always keep the feed cleaned up. they are the Key West starts. Probably from years of scratching around to survive, by hteir ancestors.
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Hey Iowa! We finally got a stretch of good weather and I've been out in the garden and pastures. Had a funny chicken experience today, thought I'd share: We have a Blue Andalusian rooster (Papa Smurf) who is the top of the coop. He follows me around demanding treats. We have one other for sure Polish rooster (MoFro) and he was following Papa Smurf who was following me...but I heard a crow from the coop, which was in front of me. I still don't know who did it! We thought we'd figured everyone out (they're about 14 weeks) but we must have missed one...there will probably be a rehoming request post coming soon!
I have a friend who is looking to rehome 3 turkeys. I told him my freezer was open but he'd rather them live. So 2 toms both eastern wild crosses ( I don't know turkeys I could be wrong) and the hen is a black Spanish all are 1 yr old.
He's looking to trade for hens or ducks. Pm me if interested.

Day was nice till storm blew in, but ducks r having fun in mud puddles
They r too cute even if not yellow and fuzzy anymore
OMG... It is just amazing candleing these eggs. I have to keep myself out of it now for a few days but it is so much fun to see what is happening inside these things.
4 of the 6 turkeys that made it to lock down hatched. One of the non hatchers must have died a while back, but the other had tried to hatch but was backward in the shell
Anyway, I'm happy with the 4 poults I have - they are adorable!

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