IA here

The Country Hatch in Riceville has Seabastopol geese they had some babies at Waverly swap Sunday

Christine at The Country Hatch has beautiful Sebbie babies this spring. If you PM me, I can give you her phone number. We've purchased goslings and ducklings from her that are wonderful. Highly recommend her stock!

Thank you so much! I got in contact with her. This is why I love BYC. :)
I found the IOWA thread alright! I am from Dundee IA and am fairly knew to this site. I have RIR, Orpington and Austrolorp chickens along with some East Indie ducks I recently acquired and also ringneck pheasants and quail. Anyone that has tips for raising the East Indies I would be very appreciative.
Checking in from Fort Dodge. Anyone near my location?
45 miles west of Fort Dodge,Sac City.
anyone with bantie faverolles around?
Amy, check with Amy Piehl at piehlpoultry.com I have a young pair from Amy. She maybe was at Waverly? (or what has been moved) and is refered to as the Waverly exotic swap.
Amy attends almost all of the midwest shows and may be able to bring some. The female I have just begun laying, if I can put them in a breeding pen, may be able to get you some eggs in a month or so?
reckon I should post this here too, before going to Scribner next weekend...
Have some excellent 4-H birds for sale.....
1. A breeding project: 5 New Hampshire bantam pullets and their brother who is a cross of new Hamp and Barred Rock. The male and the females will eventually produce Delaware. They need to lay a certain number of eggs first... it's a genetic calculation. 60.00 for all.
2. Bantam Barred Rock cock. he is a handsome guy that I intend to show this weekend in Scribner, NE but is for sale, excellent show bird. $25.00
3. Birchen MGB's They are good layers and am hatching out their young now. may also have a couple young black MGB's too. You can pick and choose. One young male needs to be dubbed. Also have some MGB chicks, unsexed. Adult birds 8.00/ea chicks 5.00/ea. (all based on the amount of feed they eat!)
4. Also have some blue and black bantam orpington starts and chicks, and bantam black Langshan chicks and starts. These make really nice show birds.
All birds have been hand raised for gentleness and can easily be used for showmanship as well.

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