IA here

You know it's early or my eyes are not awake when I read first that you had a "blue one with gold" , RHINESTONES! LMAO that really woke me up fast!
I think the pain won't really hit until tomorrow. You know like when you work out and then two days later you feel it?

I took a vicadin and they said that would knock me out. I fell asleep for about 1/2 hour is all and I can easily do that without drugs on any given day

Now I am just bored and restless.

All the dogs "puppy piled" on me while I was sleeping though and Tucker (the tan/white guy) kept crawling up near my face and just staring at me. I had to make him move because he looked so pathetic.

Tucker also went with me to Petco on Saturday. He kept taking this angel costume of the rack, I think he wanted it.
Glad your home Steph hope it all went smoothly that is the parts you can remember.
BTW... I was up long before the post I made about the rhinestones but my old eyes don't wake up as fast as other parts!

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