IA here


Just so you know, I am on the mend and the plan is to leave here Friday morning. My body is pretty worn out so will box, bag, crate birds tonight and hopefully sleep on the way down.
Today i had a slice of toast and an egg. Most food I've had since Monday. Have been surviving on sips of peppermint tea, gatorade an infrequent saltine and 7up. Think I lost 40 lbs! (yeah right). I went out and talked to the chickens this morning and they were so happy to see me all the girls ran to the nest boxes! i hope not to hide?

It got really icy and nsty up here yesterday and overnight. Everything is melting now which will make it nice for tomorrows loooong drive.

It will be good to see you all on Saturday, and to get some birds to their proper homes. Please bring boxes or pet taxis!

Happy Thanksgiving!

When would be best time to be there tomorrow for the birds to get tested? I see they are open 4:30 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. for birds to arrive. I was going to wash the birds tonight but am really thinking with it getting so cold overnight I won't wash them until tomorrow morning. Then I will blow them dry and keep them warm until it is time to take them over to Iowa City. I'm excited for my first show.
I would go there a bit before 4:30. I won't be bringing my testing supplies but if they have somone to do it, Rex Felts maybe, they will do it before it gets real busy.
PM Flash point and ask Trish if she could ask Rex to bring his stuff or if she knows for sure who will be doing it.
I am cautiously excited too. Can't handle too much excitement right now!

After boxing the Iowa Blues last night Lora, and I came up with a count near.... 30! There will be extras for those who would like to buy some to take home. but I am thinking they may be a quiet bird they are not crowing yet.

PBJmaker can attest to their docility. They are a cool breed, LF not bantam. I cannot guarantee sex on them. Wish they would crow but I think they may be a quiet breed. I will not raise the cost of them to my BYC friends, it will remain at $3.64 per start. If any of you fell benificent... I may accept a gratuity of a bag of feed or a dozen eating eggs or the title to your property in the Bahamas (and airfare)........

They are heavy feeders and drinkers, and will be ready for a drink and some food when you get them home.

Call me or PM if you are interested, I will have my laptop with me.

Rex is having health issues and probably will not be there testing. I don't know who will be testing, but there has to be a tester on site. I'm going again today to help with set up and will try to find out for you.

Eric, I have to be back home by 2pm to help get birds ready for the show. I'm going out to do chores after my coffee is done, then heading back up there to complete set up. There was still a lot to do when I left at 4pm yesterday. Then came home to do chores and clean my house a bit. I was whooped!

I was putting cage tags up and saw there were a lot of Call Ducks and Muscovey's entered. I was thinking to myself, "I wonder how many of these Muscovey tags are Cassie's?"

I would go there a bit before 4:30. I won't be bringing my testing supplies but if they have somone to do it, Rex Felts maybe, they will do it before it gets real busy.
PM Flash point and ask Trish if she could ask Rex to bring his stuff or if she knows for sure who will be doing it.
I am cautiously excited too. Can't handle too much excitement right now!
Tell you what... I'll help you out with this one. Can't guar. what time I will be there, we are leaving in a few minutes and a long drive. You can PM me your cell number.
The chicken yacht is here!

Going to meet Trish at 1:30. Then coop in if possible if not, will go eat and come back later.

Called my Mother on the way down and asked her what I could safely eat at Olive Garden? Her reply...... "mashed potaoes".
needless to say, it will be a hospital diet tonight. Wonder if there is one nearby? Bread pudding anyone?
I have a Silver Laced Wyandotte banny roo that needs a home, anyone interested. I had a breeding pair but my hen died last night so i now have a very sweet roo. if anyone interested let me know in ames area

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